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Cross Cut 1911 Grip Panels
...Cross Cut 1911 Grip Panels: FFFTech/FFFTechnology
A grip panel set for M1911 pistols (and compatible...

Square Checkered Grip Panels (OK Zoomer)
...Square Checkered Grip Panels (OK Zoomer): Laffs
Grip panels for the OK Zoomer 3D printed...

Talon M-Lok Mini AFG
...Talon M-Lok Mini AFG: Laffs Dynamics
An angled foregrip; small in size, concave in...

Hegao Arms Keymod Micro-AFG/Hand Stop
...It's a very basic handstop/afg I made to fit my own ergos and preference...

Forward Micro M-Lok AFG
...Forward Micro M-Lok AFG: FFFTech/FFFTechnology
A micro AFG, designed for compact PDWs such as...

...DYNAMIC DONG M-Lok AFGs V1.0.1: Laffs Dynamics
An angled foregrip that mimics the PM...

Tidal Wave Angled Foregrip V1.0.1
...Tidal Wave M-Lok AFG V1.0.1: FFFTech/FFFTechnology
A basic curved angled foregrip with a handstop...

Edgar Sherman Angled Foregrip Clone M-LOK
...Edgar Sherman Angled Foregrip Clone M-LOK
Filament Used: PLA+
Print Settings:
Extruder: 220C

DB Alloy A3/MCXISH Folding Stock
...Mashup of several different things to get something in particular.
Credit to @Altpersonalitty for the...

...Groovy babyyyyy , get comfy when you pew!...

LR-300 Pistol Grip V1.1
...LR300 Pistol Grip V1.1 by Qwerm
My attempt to make a replica of the classic...

A2 VFG Pack
...A2 VFG by Qwerm
Vertical foregrips in the styling of an A2 pistol grip. Includes...

Sucrose Squirrel Receiver Mods + Grip Panels
...This is a slight mod to the Biden's Bane, UBAR, and DB Shadow grip...

AFG for Glock DB Alloy
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: db; afg; glock...

Marlin model 15/15YN chassis system
...This is a chassis system for the Marlin model 15/15YN rifle(s). It comes with...

FBS-1 (Fixed Buttstock Model 1) (Yugo M70)
...FBS-1 (Yugo M70): Laffs
Clubfoot styled straight buttstock for Yugoslav/Serbian fixed stock type M70s...

Rossi Brawler Foregrip 2 shot mag
...Extended foregrip for the Rossi Brawler. Holds a pair of 45 Colt rounds....

DMB Grippy Foregrips v1.0
...A bunch of foregrips and handstops! Enjoy!...

Meru Pattern Grip Panels (Beretta 92FS)
...Meru Pattern Grip Panels (Beretta 92FS): Laffs
Not gonna lie to yall, this is just...

MP5k-ish foregrip
...Just a foregrip I guess? Scale it down to 10% unless you have big hands...