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Laffs Dynamics 14.5MiB Sept. 11, 2022, 12:41 p.m.

Foregrip Furniture Accessory

DYNAMIC DONG M-Lok AFGs V1.0.1: Laffs Dynamics

An angled foregrip that mimics the PM md. 63's unique forward-pointing front handgrip, known to many as the "Dong" grip.

This design is created to mount to M-Lok, essentially allowing attachment to any compatible forend on AKs;
and any other weapons with M-Lok slotted forends. The main benefit of this design is one can have a "dong" grip with
the ability to mount it further forward on an AK, allowing easier insertion of 30+ round mags without the issue of
slamming the bottom of the mag into the foregrip, such is the problem with original Romanian "dong" foregrips.

Comes in two variants, both with two sub variants:

* Dong Dangler
- Ribbed Dangler

* Lil Silly
- Ribbed Silly

You can figure out which one's are longer :D

Update V1.0.1: Added information stating this design is specifically an angled foregrip.

Printer Used: Monoprice Maker Select Plus

Filament Used: PLA+

Print Settings:

Extruder: 218C
Bed: 55C
First Layer Print Height: .18mm
Standard Layer Height: .14mm
Wall Thickness: .40
Wall Perimeters: 4 - 5
Infill: 28%
Infill Pattern: Gyroid
Material Flow: 100%
Support Material Percentage: 30%

Print the dong upside down.

Hardware Required:

2x M5x10 Hex Socketed Machine Screw/Bolt

2x M-Lok T-Nuts (Be sure both bolt & nut are the same thread pitch.)

LBRY Tags: 3d printing; dong; firearms; foregrip; mlok