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About GunCAD Index
What Is This?
In a phrase: a search engine for GunCAD designs. It scrapes Odysee and automatically tags and categorizes content from a large number of channels.
Short answer: printed guns.
Long answer: GunCAD (also 3D2A, 3DPG, Fosscad, etc.) is the concept of and communities surrounding the publication of designs, schematics, build guides, and testing notes for DIY weapons and accessories.
Consult these links for primers, communities, and more details:
Join the Matrix space
Hit me up on twitter @theshittinator
You can also support development on ko-fi
Frequently Asked Questions
Where does the site get its content from?
The wonderful work of Black Lotus Coalition has resulted in a giant list of content creators from all around Odysee. That list -- the Odysee Creator List -- was pulled in when I stood the site up. Huge, massive thanks to the BLC community for all the work done on that, and to Moderator Gage for orchestrating it all.
Why doesn't this release have this tag?
Tagging is an ongoing project. There's a lot of work being done behind-the-scenes to improve it, and we'll probably need your help with it. Watch for new features next to the tag strip.
Can you add this feature?
Submit an issue for it and I'll have a look! Click "source" in the footer and file an issue on the project's GitLab page (making sure we don't already have an issue for it, of course)
How quickly does this site pick up on new content?
About every hour or so. If you'd like to beat this delay, schedule your release a little bit in advance so we can scrape it before it drops.
I found a bug -- where can I report it?
Use the "Contact Information" section above or the links in the footer.
I sometimes get "429 Too Many Requests" from this site -- why?
That error means you're being rate-limited as your IP has submitted too many requests in too short a period of time. If you're doing some automation, just cool down for a sec and retry the request. If you're an end user and you think this is in error, please reach out to me using the info in the Contact Information section.
I would like to contribute to the project -- how can I do so?
Great! If you'd like to do so monetarily, use the ko-fi link in the footer. Money goes to continued development and server hosting costs. If you'd like to contribute code, use the "source" link in the footer and submit a PR. If you'd like to contribute assets or anything else, reach out to me over Twitter and we can discuss!
Legal Stuff
All content on this website is provided as-is. No warranties are provided, express or implied, including warranties of accuracy, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose. A majority of content displayed here is proxied/cached from other websites -- names, descriptions, and depictions of items are (c) copyright their original holders as linked in each entry.
Manufacture of homemade weapons may or may not be legal in your jurisdiction. Users are encouraged to consult and abide by all local laws and regulations when browsing, consuming, downloading, and manufacturing parts based on designs indexed here.
Regardless of legality, users are encouraged to practice good operational security. Consider not linking your real name to privately manufactured firearms and accessories. Under NO circumstances should you EVER take pictures of, confirm the existence of, or even allude to owning items manufactured illegaly.
This site and its administrators will not be held responsible for you getting v& because you printed a DIAS and posted it to Facebook.
Non-Commercial Use Clause
No original content on this page is to be used or offerred commercially for any reason, including tags, categorization, and services such as indexing and searching. If you have been charged money for the use of this service or for any information on this site, go back and get your money back. If you believe that information from this site is being sold somewhere, please reach out to the website administrator.
This non-commercial clause governs only the stateful content of this site and not the software, which is licensed under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3. The source code for this application can be acquired from the link in the footer.
Privacy Policy
There's no user-generated content on this site, so you're not signing your rights away to anything. In order to serve requests to you, we need to use information you provide to us such as your IP address, the URL you're attempting to access, and information about your browser (the User-Agent string it sends along).
This information is logged for debugging purposes -- if that bothers you, use a VPN (which you should already be doing anyway).
Terms of Use
If you break my website I reserve the right to remotely twist your balls until they fall off. If you lack appropriate hardware, a suitable replacement punishment may be employed, up to and including (but not excluding any other punishments): purple nurples, swirlies, remote detonation of your device, and shaming you for being a dick on social media.
By using this site, you agree not to scrape the frontend for content if you plan on building any automation around it -- use the API instead. If you run afoul of rate limiting, reach out to me and we can discuss options.
This project is built on the backs of giants. Couldn't have done it without a lot of help:
- Thanks to Black Lotus Coalition for their gruntwork in scouring Odysee by hand to get a list of tons of GunCAD developers. Their list was pruned down to form the bulk of the content in the master instance. Search them up and see what all they've released -- tons of good designs there.
- Thanks to Hoffman Tactical for being awesome and offering great feedback. Search him up if you're not already aware of him and his fantastic AR lowers and fire control systems.
- Thanks to the whole GunCAD/3DPG/whatever community for being cool dudes and making tons of wonderful things. May this project help them be discovered, cherished, and enjoyed further. Death to tyrants.
- Thanks to my close friends and loved ones for their love and support, not just here but over the years as well. I love you all <3
- Thanks to the Django project for building an incredibly versatile and easy-to-use framework upon which this whole site is built. This would not have been possible without their efforts.
- Thanks to Odysee and LBRY for hosting all this good stuff. I'm sure I speak for the whole community when I say we appreciate the hosting and accessibility of the platform.
And a huge, gigantic thanks to the most important person of all:
- You, internet citizen visiting this website. This project is nothing if nobody uses it, and I truly appreciate each and every one of you, even if (or perhaps because) you hug the server to death.