Tags are best-effort. They might miss some things sometimes

Ruger 1022 Bolt Hold Closed
...thing on a Ruger 10/22 is the bolt cycling. This device prevents the bolt from...

M-Lok Angled Foregrip AFG V2 for Slim Handguard
...thing and they work the same.
Print Settings:
Printer brand:

M11 1913 adapter v2
...thing for what ever you feel like attaching to the back. I used an m4 nut and bolt...

HK USP40/USP9 FS Jet Funnel Magazine Adapter
...capacity magazines? Well fuck that and fuck them. Stick this thing on your magazine instead....

2-piece UMP Fang style upper
...roll pin. If you dont you will not be able to remove the charging handle without breaking things....

Thumb Ring Loader
...thing I found really interesting is once I load a magazine, I can turn it around...

...things to happen. The Brasshole will prevent this from happening without sacrificing durability of the holster...

P365XM v1 Textured
...going to go add texture to some other things.
LBRY Tags: p365; foscad; 3d printing; sig...

Brick26 ZzZ Package
...things to shoot.
But it has two cool weight holes to keep that pesky muzzle...

ECM V3.3
...that thing you know it...

MNF9v1.03 updates and fixes plus ECM fixtures
...things to be fixed in this project after playing around and printing the parts.

FamAR Update for December
...things, and an alarmingly high amount of women, if even a quarter of you were...

26M bolt: a bolt for the FGC9 MKII with no metal machining required
...Things needed:
- 3.17 to 3.17 mm steel axis coupler. Dimensions: 14 mm diameter and 22 mm long...

SS Trip for CMMG 22LR Adapter
...thing just bind up and not work.
I shortened the OAL a little, made a little...

Machinist Drawings for SMG Frames
...good use and start modeling up some fun things.
LBRY Tags: machinist drawing; mac11; m11; cobray; dimensions...

Smith & Wesson M&P 15-22 Print Package
...things included, I simply wanted an easy way for people to find the files.

EZ22 2 piece extended handguard
...thing 5409492 and is designed to be used with 16" - 18" EZ22 barrels, and to be easily...

Updated Design Is Ready For Release
...thing in the picture is finished and works. There is now a magnetic sprung trigger...

FMDA DD17.2 - 3D Printed Glock 17 Gen3 Frame - Gilmore Girls Remix By PlastiKrew
...things'. This club is shrouded in mystery and infamous for its dangerous stunts and, at times...

FGC9-MKI UNW300 SLIM shroud or for the FGC6 MKI
for the barrel? you can use the ECM v3 set that can be found...