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FMDA DD17.2 - 3D Printed Glock 17 Gen3 Frame - Gilmore Girls Remix By PlastiKrew

PlastiKrew 11.6MiB Oct. 2, 2024, 10:46 p.m.

9x19mm Handgun Glock Glock 17

This is a remix of the FMDA DD17.2 3D Printable Glock 17 Gen3 frame that can be found on the Gatalog.

My Mrs has watched me build & test fire a ton of 3D printed firearms over the last year and has been quietly impressed that none have blown up in my hands/face (so far anyway)! So she nicely asked me to put one together for her to shoot when we go to the range together. She loves the TV show Gilmore Girls and her favorite color is teal, so this is what I came up with for her.

In the show, main character Rory Gilmore joins a secret society while at Yale University called the Life & Death Brigade. Its motto is 'In Omnia Paratus', which in Latin means 'ready for anything' or 'prepared in all things'. This club is shrouded in mystery and infamous for its dangerous stunts and, at times, criminal activities. So it felt like a cool theme for a 3D printed pistol.

On the slide latch side of the frame is the club's Latin motto around an umbrella symbol, representative of the dangerous "Mary Poppins style stunt" Rory does in the show. On the other side of the frame is a Life & Death Brigade logo (see extra images/renders in zip file). The frame also has a cool looking stipple pattern for a nice grip of the firearm.

Included in the zip file are two STLs. First, the Gilmore Girls remix frame with the Gilmore Girls badges mentioned above on either side. The second STL is a frame without any of that...just the cool pattern on the sides and stippling.

My Mrs & I think this remixed frame turned out pretty sweet and so wanted to share.

You can't stop the signal!

Original FMDA DD17.2 download link with all the original instructions etc can be found here

Be careful & enjoy!

LBRY Tags: 3d printing; dd17.2; fmda; g17; gilmore girls