Release image

Ruger 1022 Bolt Hold Closed

Reb1995 3D2A files 1.9MiB July 8, 2024, 12:57 p.m.

22 Long Rifle Ruger Ruger 10/22

# Ruger 10/22 Bolt Hold Closed device
A Bolt hold closed device for a Ruger 10/22. With a suppressor and subsonic ammo, the loudest thing on a Ruger 10/22 is the bolt cycling. This device prevents the bolt from cycling and will make a Ruger 10/22 nearly silent. I designed it to be snug, but I also added a hole so that you can use something to secure it to the gun if it becomes loose.

## Materials Required
eSun PLA+. Any PLA should work, though.
Optional: Something to loop through the hole in the device. I had some key rings laying around that I deisnged the hole around. I attached it to my scope rings. You can see in the photo in the renders folder.

## Instructions
Print with the largest face pointed down. 100% infill as it will be under stress.

## Change Log

- v0.1: Initial upload
* A little bit of testing done. Works for subsonics perfectly. Make sure you have 100% infill for supersonics.

## License
The Unlicense.

LBRY Tags: fosscad; 3d2a; ruger 10/22; t/cr22