All times are displayed in Central Time. Anything more requires cookies and shit that I haven't set up yet

37MM Case Lineup
...In addition to my launchers I have been working on open source munitions for them...

Offensively Scalable Hand Grenade
...The OSHG, stackable grenade body is based on the real world Scalable Offensive Hand Grenade...

Sus Mag Teaser
...This magazine accesusory (accessory that is sus) is a low effort decoration to make an...

Sus Amogus Fortnite Rifle Bone Stock Teaser.
...This is like a teaser except you comment below and beg me not to release...

Pipe Hitter 37mm Mounts Dev Kit
...This is the set of mounts for the Pipe Hitter 37mm launcher, and the standalone...

Rubber Duck M16
...This is a prop rifle for training purposed, colloquially referred to as a "Rubber Duck...

PR84 Teaser
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: recoilles; 3d print; rocket launcher; cannon; stubbs...

Chainsaw Tutorial Teaser
...The ChainSAW tutorial will be coming out at some point this week when I get...

Dragonfly AR15 Grip Teaser
...The Dragonfly is a combination base that combines the DSMG spade grip and the Chain...

Colt ACR Handguard
...This is a copy of the handguard from the M16A2E2 rifle entered in the US...

StAr-15 Open Source AR15 Upper Reciever Firearm
...This is the rough Guide to creating the StAr15.
The St-Ar (Sten/Sterling/Stubbs)-(Armalite (Pattern...

Chainsaw Top Handle
...This is the foregrip for the KAC Chain-SAW themed AR15 as seen in the...

Jack O Lantern Grenade Body
...This is a novelty item that is threaded 5/8-11 and intended for an M228 Fuse...

DSMG Spade Grips for AR15
...The D.S.M.G. (direct mount spade grip) is a spade grip that mounts directly to an...

Colt M16A2E2 "ACR" Carbine Length Handguards
...This is a carbine length handguard based on the Colt M16A2E2 as submitted to the...

BN39 Embossed Canister
...This is an alternative BN39 canister that has replica M39 smoke grenade markings on the...

FamAR Optional Left Handed Parts
...This is a DLC for the FamAR that allows left handed use of the platform...

FamAR Front Sling Mount DLC
...This is a decent and DIY able front sight for the FamAR.
The FamAR does...

M16A1 Style Brace Mould
...I am disappointed but not surprised that ATF is once again attempting to infringe on...

...This is a separate model of the M2 SLAM mine that is marked INERT in...