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37MM Case Lineup

Stubbs Customs 189.9KiB Sept. 30, 2022, 1:27 p.m.

37mm Signaling Device

In addition to my launchers I have been working on open source munitions for them.

This is a teaser for a collection of parts I have experimented on.

The first release will be a generic projectile and 3 cases.

The first case is a generic 209 primer based casing. These are what I am the most familiar with. I have used injection molded cases of this variety since the beginning. They're $3 a piece but this can make them cheaper.

The next two are my own design.

The first is powered by a 22lr blank and is offset to allow the firing pin to strike the edge of the case. Further research will have to be done to see if the asymmetric force causes loss of consistency.

The second is powered by a 45 acp blank. Its inspired by the military issue chalk round powered by a 38 blank. This should be the most consistent one if I can make its odd overall length work.

LBRY Tags: 37mm; stubbs; pipe hitter; launcher; 3d print