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Hoffman Tactical AR-9 Remix
...Hoffman Tacticals' AR-15 lower (V2.6) into an AR-9 platform. It uses a traditional...

Hoffman Tactical Remix Grip
...Hoffman Tactical grip meant for his Super Lower. WILL ONLY FIT HOFFMAN LOWER!! Will have...

SL-15 4.8 Hoffman Tactical Logo & US Flag Remix
...Hoffman Tactical(HT logo) - Merica Remix. My last iteration with the American flag will represent...

BRN-180 Lower
...This is another older community mod. It is intended for use with the BRN-180...

Gen 3 Stock V1.8 Dev Pack
...These are the STEP files for the Gen 3 Stock System. These are provided for...

Hoffman Tactical SuperLower M16 Pack
...actions with these files.
LBRY Tags: hoffman tactical; super lower; sl-15; sl-9; m16...

Hoffman tactical remix Double rib AR-9 prototype
...redesigned ar9 for use with left side charging uppers (untested)
if anyone actually prints and...

hoffman tactical cover plate remix
...Slightly larger size to fit the hose clamps I bought instead from amazon....

Simple Target
...Simple Target was designed to use in accuracy testing of the Orca. But it works...

Single Rib Basic Lower With U-Bolt
...This is an older community mod that was done to one of the legacy lower...

Ambidextrous AR-15 Lowers
...This download contains a couple community mods of the V2.8 and V3.0 AR-15 lowers...

Bushing Installation Tool
...This is the tool used to pull the brass bushings into their pockets.
LBRY Tags...

Hoffman Tactical AR15 Super Lower Head Plate Remix
...The original one was a whole 3mm away from threading
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; 3d printing...

Go/No Go Gauge for Hoffman Super Safety Trigger Mod
...Tactical Super Safety.
This is a Go/No Go gauge for modifying a stock MIL-SPEC trigger to use with the Hoffman Tactical...

...Hoffman Tactical rounded detent
takes Hoffman Tactical ss cam
the upper model is from the dp9 release...

...Hoffman Tactical rounded detent
takes Hoffman Tactical ss cam
the upper model is from the dp9 release...

CEMTE Sling Mod Hoffman Tac. Stock
...CEMTE Sling Mod Hoffman Tactical Stocks
LBRY Tags: 3d printing...

Print ready Hoffman sl15 for Bambu P1S polymaker pa6cf Orcaslicer
...only .3mf Hoffman tactical sl15 single rib
LBRY Tags: ar15; sl15; hoffman tactical; 556; 3d2a...

AR9 Super Safety Weight Cutting Jig
...with Hoffman Tactical's Super Safety
LBRY Tags: super safety; hoffman tactical; ss; ar9; jig...

Hoffman PolyMaker CoPA 3-position Cam (Hundreds of rounds through a 3D printed cam) A
And many thanks to Hoffman.
LBRY Tags: super saftey; hoffman tactical; 3d printed; tits...