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Go/No Go Gauge for Hoffman Super Safety Trigger Mod

PewPew1119 156.5KiB Feb. 3, 2024, 4:07 a.m.

FRT Rifle AR-15

We do NOT manufacture or sell the Hoffman Tactical Super Safety.

This is a Go/No Go gauge for modifying a stock MIL-SPEC trigger to use with the Hoffman Tactical Super Safety. It works like a 3D puzzle. The trigger will only fit in the puzzle if the right shape has been removed from the tail of the trigger.

If you are not already familar with the project, just go here:

When YOU make the modification to the trigger, it is necessary to file, sand or machine the part to match the correct geometry. This gauge allows you to test fit the trigger, like fitting a puzzle piece. If there is not enough material removed (red surfaces in the graphics), the trigger will not fit into the gauge.

Gauge test fits trigger modifications for both the 2 (single cam) and 3 (dual cam) position Super Safetys.

Purchase the 3D printed gauge here:

If you are looking for a file download, keep looking. We do not give up our intellectual property.


Again, this is NOT a part or accessory. It is a TOOL. It is a simple measuring device only. We do not, nor have we ever manufactured any firearm parts.
This is for the gauge only. Does NOT include a trigger or Super Safety device.
This posting and graphics represent the entirety of instruction for this tool.
Color may vary.
This seller is in no was associated with Hoffman Tactical LLC. Visit the Hoffman web site for more information about the Super Safety.
This seller is in no way responsible for use or misuse of items sold. Buyer assumes all legal risks associated with modifying stock MIL-SPEC triggers, for ANY purpose.
This seller does NOT manufacture or sell parts.
US Patent Pending

LBRY Tags: ar-15; super safety; hoffman tactical; trigger modification; ar15; c:disable-slimes-comments; c:disable-slimes-video; c:disable-download; c:disable-comments; c:disable-reactions-comments; c:disable-reactions-video