All times are displayed in Central Time. Anything more requires cookies and shit that I haven't set up yet

a few more new mags
...added Twix mag , coke mag, crunch mag, Hershey mag, shark face mag, skittles mag, and...

LV D.R.U.M. Mag Cover
...mag cover for danny meatball/s D.R.U.M....

Curved Waffle Mag DB9
...Remix of the curved waffle Sten Mag for the DB9 Alloy to correct the feed...

Untitled bi12 version 1 build no mags for ar15 12ga prototype
...this is a some what instruction guide most parts used in version 2
LBRY Tags...

AR 47 Mags Pre-Release1
...Beta of my AR47 waffle mag remix...

Urutau-GL- Run Glock mags in your Urutau.
...A simple swap of the Lower Assembly (Receiver, Grip Body and Feed Ramp) and you...

Macro Mag Adapters
...magazines on an xMacro Frame. I also included an adaptor for the 15rnd magazine that...

AKM Gravity Feed Pump MagLoader + AR47
...magazine loader with 60 round hopper. Load AKM magazines easily and quickly. There is also...

Are We Cool Yet? Presents: The 3dP90
...magazines or printed magazines contained in the release
Lock in those chevrons and go on your...

...magazine on your AR15. The magazine release is actuated by your standard magazine release button...

UBAR remix
...magazines. I don't own any Magpul Gen M2 magazines, so I decided to create...

Mac n Cheese V2.5
...magazine catch on the last one kinda sucked but here we are. NO feedramp (thanks...

FMDA 19X.2
...Magazine Catch
A Magazine Catch Spring
A Slide Stop Lever
A Trigger Housing Pin
A Trigger...

Maklarbak Time-to-Change Hexmag Clone
...magazine follower, aka Maklarbak magazine. The idea of this forgotten tech is that the follower...

AWCY? presents: The Poison SuMac by:TheOtherSig
...magazines from the Finnish Suomi submachinegun. Inspired by the Lage manufacturing Mac-11 uppers, the SuMac...

M16Z Double Barrel Ar15
...magazine catch button is included that is pressed when the magazine latch on the right...

Corser Baseplate Pack
...Magazine Spring Inserts.
-Ensure magazine spring does not travel rearward during the last half of the installation...

Mac n Cheese v1.5 M11 Receiver
...magazine catch, and uses Glock magazines.
Change Log - Since v1
● Compatibility with Anti Roll pins...

MR-1 (The Big Mac) (XL REPACK)
...magazine seating too low in the firearm frame due to a low shelf
on the magazine...

S96S Prototype Re-Release
...magazine fed LMG configuration of the Stoner 63. The complete upper receiver requires no permenant...