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The S96S is an open source inverted feed rifle that uses many commercially available AR15 parts. It is made to resemble the magazine fed LMG configuration of the Stoner 63. The complete upper receiver requires no permenant modification. The modified FCG is housed in the top component, and the grip stick clamps to the upper receiver rail of many AR15 uppers.
The name is based on Eugene Stoners proposed name for the Stoner 63 the "M69W". It does not correlate to the year, but reads M69W still when the receiver is upside down in both the LMG and rifle configurations.
The top feeding magazine is a feature common on many early 20th century light machine guns and is more ergonomic when used from an established firing position or when prone. It is a bizarre looking and fun configuration that is a departure from the norm of the 21st century while also remaining practical.
The S96S M is a mountable version of the S96S that is based on the spade grips of an M60D with straight pull triggers.
The new and improved parts of the Stubbins 96 Stoner Rifle include new thicker receiver walls with a monolithic front and back section that are more durable than the original two piece sides, a third fire control group pin that increases trigger return tension and keeps the spring from pushing on the top cover, and a new prototype pintle mountable lug.
LBRY Tags: stubbs; s96s; stoner; 63; lmg
The name is based on Eugene Stoners proposed name for the Stoner 63 the "M69W". It does not correlate to the year, but reads M69W still when the receiver is upside down in both the LMG and rifle configurations.
The top feeding magazine is a feature common on many early 20th century light machine guns and is more ergonomic when used from an established firing position or when prone. It is a bizarre looking and fun configuration that is a departure from the norm of the 21st century while also remaining practical.
The S96S M is a mountable version of the S96S that is based on the spade grips of an M60D with straight pull triggers.
The new and improved parts of the Stubbins 96 Stoner Rifle include new thicker receiver walls with a monolithic front and back section that are more durable than the original two piece sides, a third fire control group pin that increases trigger return tension and keeps the spring from pushing on the top cover, and a new prototype pintle mountable lug.
LBRY Tags: stubbs; s96s; stoner; 63; lmg