All LBRY claims are public, even if you hide them in Odysee. It's the nature of the platform

Pocket shotgun
...This here is tiny, fully DIY electrically primed shotgun project. No firearm parts are needed...

WISP Handguard 14.2 inch
...This is a remixed long boi handguard for Kaewon's WISP
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; guncad...

Invisiboogle (original klav file pack reupload)
...Reupload of Klavermeister's "invisiboogle" file pack. Hopefully this is okay to do because a...

Pocket PP - tiny two shot pistol
....22 short recommended, .22LR compatible, dangerous to the target, dangerous to the user, probably thinnest...

SolidWorks Premium 2022
...Be sure to read the ReadMe file. Tested and working with SolidWorks Premium 2022 SP1.0...

...Cheburek is fresh experimental EU-focused .22 carbine-pistol hybrid that needs a loving touch...

ARK Charging Handle for DIY Upper
...Modification of BrewNinja's ARK Charging Handle. This one is for the "DIY" Upper in...

A 37mm Version of the 40mm Beehive/Hornets Nest
...-! UNTESTED !-
Please read the ReadMe file!
Included are the SolidWorks, Step and 3mf files.

Spacer Sleeve
...Glock Firing pin Spacer sleeve, print horizontally
LBRY Tags: glock; guns; gun; tactical...

Rocket Derringer
...Let's take a break from serious prints and build a rocket shootin' derringer. Total...

DB Perfect 10-22 Receiver Mod, Marlin 60 Barrel
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: pewpew; art; 1022; marlin60; receiver...

Suppressed Barrel for the Gambino and Cabfare
...A 3D printed Suppressor for your Gambino or Cabfare 22lr gun!
Print Settings:
PLA+ or...

Chinese 1.05x6" Solvent Trap Jig Set
This is a 4 part jig set for the common Chinese 1.05x6" solvent...

A 22lr (7.1mm) Bushing for the 7/8'' ID cups, 1.05''OD Solvent Trap Jig
...This is a 3D printable bushing for the 7/8'' ID cups, 1.05''OD Solvent Trap...

1022 Skeletonized Magazine Release
...Skeletonized magazine release for the Ruger 10/22
LBRY Tags: art; pewpew; ruger; 1022; magrelease...

HenryRapid - Henry H001 Rapid Fire Device
...Auther: nameisnight
This is a printed copy of a rapid fire device sold on...

1.6 OD K-Cup Solvent Trap Clipping Jig
...This is a custom-made Clipping jig for a Chinese solvent trap, Made by Caska...

Wushu Grip
...12° AR Grip
LBRY Tags: pewpew; grip; ar; art...

Not-A-Glock Slide Remix Pack
...A couple of RDS cuts and pic rail versions. Update: Added RMR cut Oct 20...

Folding Lowered Brace
...Folding brace that is lowered by 1 inch for better eye line. 2 models exist...