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Pocket PP - tiny two shot pistol

Channel for the old stuff. 148.1KiB Dec. 21, 2021, 1:15 p.m.

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.22 short recommended, .22LR compatible, dangerous to the target, dangerous to the user, probably thinnest and most concealable pistol that can be printed.
This design does not suffer from classic printed derringer issues such as stuck springs, uncomfortable triggers and wonky lock mechanisms.

Use PLA+, ABS and PETG won't work. Current model has been tested multiple times from vice and by hand. Still, for target practice I'd only recommend .22 shorts and LR's should only be used for EDC/self defense situations, because assembly is only strong enough to barely hold up to pressures of supersonic LR's.

LBRY Tags: art; guns; self-defense; free speech; europe