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Auther: nameisnight
This is a printed copy of a rapid fire device sold on ebay, it attaches to the lever of the gun and when you cock the gun it presses the trigger.
Tested working on a Henry H001, Should work with other similer leveractions.
Print with round side down on bed, use Brim to aid in printing.
Tested in PLA+ at 0.16 Layer hight and 12% Gyroid Infill
Clip the device wit hthe round side facing the trigger area of the gun, the side with a ramp should be facing twords the barrel.
Push device so it just presses the trigger.
When actioning the gun the device should press the trigger as soone as the action closes.
If the device moves you can use tape to help hold it in place, or try printing at a different resolution.
LBRY Tags: 3d printed; fosscad; henry; 22lr; art
This is a printed copy of a rapid fire device sold on ebay, it attaches to the lever of the gun and when you cock the gun it presses the trigger.
Tested working on a Henry H001, Should work with other similer leveractions.
Print with round side down on bed, use Brim to aid in printing.
Tested in PLA+ at 0.16 Layer hight and 12% Gyroid Infill
Clip the device wit hthe round side facing the trigger area of the gun, the side with a ramp should be facing twords the barrel.
Push device so it just presses the trigger.
When actioning the gun the device should press the trigger as soone as the action closes.
If the device moves you can use tape to help hold it in place, or try printing at a different resolution.
LBRY Tags: 3d printed; fosscad; henry; 22lr; art