People name their projects after really weird stuff sometimes

37mm Handbook v1.2
...get started on your 37mm Journey.
v1.1.0 changelog: updated primer pocket geometry
V1.2.0 Updated primer...

Bubba Bracket v1
...get this posted
Print as sturdy as you can. Ive only used this on a .22. Youre...

...get! its fired by an ar15 using low power springs, it is fed by an aftermarket...

5.56 Speed Loader
...this printed speed loader is guaranteed to get you more time sending rounds down range!...

Urutau Integrated Brace Beta
...get the distance between trigger and end of brace to be under 13.5 inches (alphabet...

Scout's Featureless grip
...get around the Pistol Grip aspect of AWB laws, this mimics the same angle as the Juggernaut...

Hoffman Tactical AR-9 Remix
...get mine at Lowes, they sell it as "Assorted Piano Wire")
2x 2.5x20mm socket...

CoCo Chanel Socommish19 w/ Frame Weight Hole
...get it seated perfect.**
Uses Polymer80 G19 Rails
Print Settings
Esun or Inland Brand PLA PLUS...

Apple Pie Bolt Carrier for Super Safety lower (Beta V1.1 Concept)
...get the file out**
A replacement Bolt Carrier for the chopped carrier that comes in the Apple...

Lil Piglet Magazine Buttstock V3 Latch Assortment Kit
...get that satisfying snap.
Heat bending may help depending on your print
Credit to @Heythere79...

M1337 Parts List PDF with links
...get the square stock and conduit cheaper at a hardware store as well. Link to @Nopel...

Beretta 71 mags
...get lost. Print slow and at 0.12mm layer height.
LBRY Tags: bitcoin; pokemon; 3d2a...

Wayllshine E6 850nm Illuminator Picatinny Mount
...get it for $10 from Aliexpress [Here](
Orientation: Print on it's side...

Bobcat RTB BCG Modification Jig V2
...get an "Enhanced BCG", as the roll pin is aligned and you'll have to do extra...

...get epoxied onto the CF tube. These will melt eventually and you must ensure everything...

Remix: Biden's Bane 3D Printable Handguard, 6" Quad Rail
...Get the rest of the files and important information for this project from the Gatalog...

Pickle Rick Angled Foregrip for Picatinny
...title. To get the full effect, print the parts in the color in the file name....

DD19.2 PeWALT Classic
...get credit for the frame. I just added the PeWALT to it
Based on a Gen3...

...get support out of it if you accidentally choose to put support up the mag spring...

...get tracked well)
V3 - the current gamma release version, essentially improved by using a revised...