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TFGG Harlot Dart Conversion - pin a dart on the target
...This file contains the model for a barrel to shoot printed darts at a target...

FGC9 MK-1 ak style handguards
...No description provided for this release...

Tactical Front Grip with Mag Holder (Menendez) 9mm
...Tactical Front Grip with Mag Holder (Menendez 9mm)
- Works with all Glock Magazines, 9mm.

...A pack of stuff to help you make your FGC9
LBRY Tags: guns; fgc9; ar15...

UNW: FGC9 / FGC6 / MKII or MKI thread in AR buffer tube adapter TAKE2 and TAKE3
...this model is made to work the MKII but I have fitted it on a...

FGC9-MKIISD UNW370 SLIM shroud or for the FGC6 MKII
...what does the MKIISD update mean?
the main update and why these are called MKIISD...

FGC-9 MKI/MKII-hybrid UNW300 slim shroud LR (Low rail) Mini 1/3 1/4 1/6 scale
...TURN ON: Print Tiny walls! I did my best, but it was really time consuming...

Harlet / Harlot V3 Barrel Suppressed
...Quick and dirty addition of the "Quiet Girl" integrated suppressor onto a V3 "Extendo" barrel...

harlot trigger 02262024
...trigger has the half cock position partially disabled by taking a small amount of material...

trigger spring mod harlet
...Mod to use a regular spring for the harlot derringer. Working on upgrades for the...

FGC-9 FGC-6 Custom hammer pin JIG
...the idea with this JIG is that you can use a extend hammer pin so...

FGC9-MKII Extended Stock
...Who doesn't want more length?...... Stock up.
LBRY Tags: fgc9; stock; 9mm; brace...

FGC-9 MKII UNW227 shroud LR (Low rail) Mini 1/3 1/4 1/6 scale
...TURN ON: Print Tiny walls! I did my best, but it was really time consuming...

FGC-9 MKI UNW227 shroud or for the FGC-6 MKI
...this new 2022 series will have the option of a bolt on top rail. (yes...

FGC-9 firing pin jig beta v 1.1
...Another attempt at firing pin jig, with numbers. all the numbered slots have different tolerances...

FGC-6BL MKI/MKII (BOLT LOCK) starter kit GBB airsoft FGC-9 replica
...the FGC-6BL is here making this the first hammer fired semi auto GBB FGC...

Reinforced Breech for the Harlot
...Using a dime to reinforce the breech of the Harlot pistol. Includes new Breech and...

Tactical AR-15 Pistol Grip with Mag Holder (Menendez) 9mm
...Tactical AR-15 Pistol Grip with Mag Holder (Menendez) 9mm
- Works with all Glock Magazines...

[remix] 26m bolt V2
...This bolt remix Colection 26M de HDP's 26M bolt V2
My remix is as...

26M bolt: a bolt for the FGC9 MKII with no metal machining required
...The 26M bolt is a bolt for the FGC9 MKII which requires no metal machining...