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FGC-9 MKI UNW227 shroud or for the FGC-6 MKI

@UntangleWORKS 10.1MiB July 22, 2022, 8:14 a.m.

9x19mm FGC-9 Hybrid Firearm

this new 2022 series will have the option of a bolt on top rail. (yes, I have gotten those requests over the years)
but the real reason I made it's that this shroud will soon also have a lower rail option. that is made possible by using different M3 bolts.
but more on that later

talk about the low rail

the name 227 stands for the barrel length this is made for. but this is the same length as what was called the M shrouds in the past like the: 2021 LB short, AK shroud, TEC9 M, LB short.

this set will also include a special mandril custom made for me by ImmortalRevolt that can be used with the ECM v3 set that can be found here.

UNW FGC9 FGC6 FGC68 how I broke my low rail... so you don't do the same

UNW FGC68 FGC6 FGC9 in defence of the low rail, it's not so bad as I thought but there is alway fix

LBRY Tags: fgc; fgc-9; fgc-9 mki; unw 227 shroud; fgc-6