People name their projects after really weird stuff sometimes

Kolowrat, PKM inspired AR15 LSW Stock
...The Kolowrat is a PKM inspired stock for the AR15 Platform.
It is part of...

Prototype Reinforced Dust Cover STG556(S)
...This reinforced dust cover was supposed to be in the STG DLC with the MKb...

Rigid M16 Style Brace
...This rigid brace is based on a design for an M16 style brace I designed...

AR10 FRT15 Modification Guide
...This is a rough guide demonstrating how to convert an AR10 to function with a...

GP37 Projectile
...The GP37 projectile was released in the early teaser and was in a 7zip folder...

BN43 Primer Fuse Retrofit
...This is a fuse retrofit for the BN43 Smoke Grenade that allows it to use...

Pipe Hitter 37mm Launcher DLC
...These files include a lengthened mount for the direct handguard mount model of the Pipe...

B40 Mini Frag Printable Pull Ring
...This extended and oversized pull ring is intended for the B40 Mini Frag. It makes...

FamAR Assembly Instructions and Bill of Materials
...This is the first draft of the bill of materials henceforth BOM for assembly of...

Bullpup Can Cannon DLC Rails
...These are optional side rails for the 'SCRUNGLER' Bullpup Can Cannon.
There is a new...

Stick Grenade M228 Retrofit Instructions
...This is a brief picture instruction set for how to fuse, and potentially reuse the...

XM4 Flat Top Cover
..."Here come ol' flat top. He come groovin' up slowly"
This is a flat top...

PIRATE THIS BRACE. Carbine Buffer Tube Ambidextrous Pistol Brace
...This is a pistol brace that attaches to the end of a carbine buffer tube...

Printable Car15 Stock
...All the goodness of the Car15 Brace, now with rear surface area!
LBRY Tags: car15...

Pipe Hitter 37mm DLC 2 Teaser
...The 2nd DLC for the Pipe Hitter 37mm is soon to be released. The 2nd...

M39 EirHandgranate
...This is a replica of the M39 egg grenade. It uses the M228 internal parts...

FamAR15 Picatinny Handguard
...This is a new option for the front handguard on the G2 style FamAR15 grip...

Smoke Grenade Body For Reuseable M228 Fuse 40mm
...This is a set of smoke grenade parts to convert an M228 fuse into a...

37MM Case Lineup
...In addition to my launchers I have been working on open source munitions for them...

Unnamed Prototype Zenitco PKM Inspired AR Stock
...This is a yet unnamed prototype stock for an ar15 inspired by the zenitco PKM...