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Smoke Grenade Body For Reuseable M228 Fuse 40mm

Stubbs Customs 252.8KiB April 17, 2023, 8:58 p.m.

ATF Form 1 Destructive Device Grenade

This is a set of smoke grenade parts to convert an M228 fuse into a smoke grenade. It consists of a top lid, a bottom cap, and a fuse holder.
A spent M228 fuse and 40mm ID cardboard tube are needed for this project. The end of the fuse holder needs a 5/16 inch hole that is 1/4 inch deep drilled into the bottom of the spent M228.

Replace the spent grenade primer with a pistol primer and run visco fuse up to the primer. Place a thin cardboard or paper disk over the hole in the bottom with super glue. The ignited compound needs to be able to burn through this cover before expending the oxygen inside the case. Leave an appropriate hole completely through the center of the smoke compound. This device does not have any delay mechanism as it is safe for the smoke grenade to light and dispense smoke immediately upon arming. Do not continue to hold it as it is a pyrotechnic device capable of causing burns or igniting fires.

Fill with standard smoke mixtures. Do not use a live original M228 fuse with this device, it will not stop the shrapnel produced.

This grenade is meant to be a safer but fun alternative for end users who are not able to create my DIY B40 flashbangs (still in end user testing) which carry considerable risk of instantly detonating if made incorrectly, however it is still capable of causing injury if misused. The B69 fuse head will function with this body as well.

LBRY Tags: stubbs; smoke; grenade; b40; b69