All LBRY claims are public, even if you hide them in Odysee. It's the nature of the platform

The Jasmin Dragon Brothel
...Perfect for displaying your collection of Harlots!...

Void3D Armory's BLC Special 22 Silencer
...No description provided for this release...

...This is the Harlot Barrel Jig by PsychicRhino...

The Vertical Mutant Grip V2, now with BeaverTail!
...The Vertical Mutant Grip V2, now with BeaverTail!
As seen on PSR!

Glock Mag Coupler
...Double the ammunition on tap for your 9mm carbine! This magazine coupler is designed to...

BLC AR Grips
...A small collection of AR Grips designed originally by MadMax, and Void3dprinting. Stippled by Moderator...

SY22 Reference STEP
...Black Lotus Coalition Dev Mr. Snark himself the V1 SY-22 is now uploaded on the Odysee...

Wolfspistole Underbarrel 26.5mm
...Black Lotus Coalition Developer Stubbs Released July 28, 2024
The Wolfspistole Underbarrel 26.5mm Launcher...

Quiet Girl STEP
...Black Lotus Coalition Devs MadMax and BadCad the Quiet Girl was an improvement on the original...

Harlet V3 STEP
...Black Lotus Coalition Devs MadMax and BadCad the Harlot V3 was an improvement on the original...

Harlot V2 STEP
...Black Lotus Coalition Devs MadMax and BadCad the Harlot V2 was an improvement on the original...

Unseenkiller - Black Pawn L Assembly
...Please give a follow to unseenkiller he is a treasure in this community
Original Link...

Kar98k Reference Model
...This upload is from developer Steven Kiley who took the time to reverse engineer the...

...Developer Alexis created the 22EZ Weapons Platform and released it in August 2021 this design...

PLAR 1.1 Reference Pack
...I originally started developing an HKG11, but switched to the PLAR as A. I had...

...This is a SKS Reference Model N1 Solution took the time to repair and convert...

The Scarlot - Reference STEP
...Introducing the Scarlot from developer FR0Z3N L1QU1DZ this model was released October 30, 2022 there...

HG22 Reference STEP
...Released December 24, 2024 no parts kits available
ImposterArms and BLC present: The HG22 and...

BD22 Reference STEP
...Released December 24, 2024 no parts kits available
ImposterArms and BLC present: The HG22 and...

Luger P08 (from 1916 blueprints)
...From developer Teruteru who reverse engineered this! Thank you for your work in this community...