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Obtuse Mag Holder V320
...Holds a P320 mag, at an angle.
Update 02-09-2025: Increased the thickness of...

str8up 22lr sidecharging upper
...print threads down str8up with no supports at 225hot end 65 bed and 55mms for...

P320 Micro Carbine
...Micro Carbine Grip for the P320
LBRY Tags: pewpew; p320; art; grip; sig...

Case Prep 6-port Station v2
- New maingear that uses metal hub. I found I had to modify the main...

...Simple jig for drilling a hole in a US dime to use as a breech...

Paragon 17
...A remix of a remix, now for the 17.
LBRY Tags: pewpew; glock; g17; frame...

Henry Husher: A Henry H001 Suppressor
...WARNING ⚠️: This is a NFA item, testing was done by a licensed SOT and Texens...

Folding Lowered Brace
...Folding brace that is lowered by 1 inch for better eye line. 2 models exist...

HenryRapid - Henry H001 Rapid Fire Device
...Auther: nameisnight
This is a printed copy of a rapid fire device sold on...

AutoDesk 2022 Products Crack (AutoCAD, Inventor & more)
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; cad; crack; software; warez...

Barrel inserts for BONK rifle
...These are barrel inserts for more common 8mm seamless tubes and 9.5mm or 3/8...

Fosscad list for LBRYSeed - created from @blacklotuscoalition list on 10/24/23
...No description provided for this release...

1.6 OD K-Cup Solvent Trap Clipping Jig
...This is a custom-made Clipping jig for a Chinese solvent trap, Made by Caska...

Coin Jig Pack
...Simple pack of jigs for Centerfire and Rimfire that allow the drilling of common US...

CUMFUCKER 2000 - 3D printed double barrel electrically primed shotgun.
...Yet another completely DIY project with no regulated components. Description, parts list and everything else...

Bren2 brace adapter
...Enables attachment of brace that uses AR buffer tube to attach. Uses Bren2 hinge components...

MP654K conversion
...This bolt needs to be made of metal and welded to a MP-654k baikal...

ARK Railed Endcap
...New End Cap for the ARK with a rail on the low side. Intended for...

Cyber Draco Plastikov V4- 5.45/5.56
...This is my custom remix of the Plastikov V4 by Navi of Boomhandia (aka Ivan...

Not-A-Glock Slide Remix Pack
...A couple of RDS cuts and pic rail versions. Update: Added RMR cut Oct 20...