Be responsible. These are not toys

...Tail hook brace attachment and endcap that work in conjunction with @Maverick0197:1 's EBR...

mp5 charm
...I need to go into battery...

MP5k Handguards OPEN BETA
...message on IG or FB to provide feedback.
LBRY Tags: mp5; mp5k; 3d2a; 9mm; 3dprinting...

Leber V1 (ARMP5 V2) Open Beta V2
- **PTR Early Import HK** - Compatible with full shelf MP5's, such as PTR and HK MP5...

- **PTR Early Import HK** - Compatible with full shelf MP5's, such as PTR and HK MP5...

- **PTR Early Import HK** - Compatible with full shelf MP5's, such as PTR and HK MP5...

(SF5 / KF5) SFFA V2 Select Fire Full Auto
...mp5 or clone then you would need to wait for the ARMP5 V2 pack

Super Safe SF5 V1
...MP5 Super Safety adapter, This is a open beta, at this moment the lee sporting...

Leber V2
...MP5 and MP5K.
It uses Steel plates for retaining the FCG with all other critical...

Rouladen - MP5sd Style Mlok Handguard Cover a classic MP5SD style look to the handguard.
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; 3dprinting; ar15; mlok; mp5...

HG-1-PR Handguard (MP5K)
...Print the mount on it's rear face.
LBRY Tags: mp5k; 3d printing; handguard; mp5; pdw...

MP5/MP5k low profile cocking tube cap, or if you lost your old one.
LBRY Tags: mp5; mp5k; cocking tube cap...

KF5 Monolithic Lower Leggo
...Discord for discussions, feedback, and updates. [](
LBRY Tags: gun; mp5; weapons; guncad; 3dprintedweapons...

Grumpy 'ol German style handguard for SF5 with lower pic rail *Updated with one more
...MP5 tapered handguard. I also stuck a pic rail on the bottom so you can have...

SF5(smooth side) endcap based on the AWCY A3 collapsible brace
...brace, and you need to use a 1 point sling to brace against.
LBRY Tags: sf5; mp5...

MP5A3 Sliding Stock - Daikon Remix!
...MP5 A3 rail style stock. While functional, there were a few key design features that...

KF5-SD style handguard of mp5-sd. 3d printable and compatible with kf5
LBRY Tags: guns; 3d printing; gun...

KF5 Monolithic Lower
...Discord for discussions, feedback, and updates. [](
LBRY Tags: gun; mp5; weapons; guncad; 3dprintedweapons...

MP.5K ForeGrips
...based off the original H&K MP5K prototype.
LBRY Tags: pewpew; art; grips; mp5; foregrip...

MP5A3 Buffer
...from a VFC buffer. Contact me for changes.
LBRY Tags: 3d printed; open source; mp5; guns; hk...