Release image

Leber V1 (ARMP5 V2) Open Beta V2

@S3igu2 58.6MiB July 18, 2024, 9:31 a.m.

9x19mm PCC H&K Beta MP5

Change log
- 9/11/2024 Added step files as well as did huge updates to the ap5 lower to hopefully allow it to not be shit.

The Leber V1 MP5 Lower is a remix of Uberpoors ARMP5 V2 lower.
This version uses the same washers and grip inserts used in hoffman tacticals
super ar15 lowers. This lower is more of a pain in the ass to make thus the 2 versions,
if you would rather a easier alternative the ARMP5 V2 is the way.

M3x8mm Round coupling nuts used for the ejector can be found here

This coupling nut is a somewhat odd part and needs to be cut down to roughly 6.8mm with a dremel or file.

# ARMP5 V2
V2 of the ARMP5, a 3D printable MP5 Lower that takes AR FCGs, revamped from the ground up.

by S3igu2 & @UberPoor:9

## Description
A 3D printable MP5 lower that utilizes AR FCGs, Work with the super safety when used with the trip slip V1.

## Variants
- **SP5** - Compatible with HK SP5 and SP5K
- **AP5 POF ZF5** - Compatible with the AP5, POF, and ZF5 (and K versions of course). Also compatible with transferable or post sample HK MP5's.
- **PTR Early Import HK** - Compatible with full shelf MP5's, such as PTR and HK MP5's that precede the SP5.

## Materials Required
Please follow the included ARMP5 V2 Documentation PDF for material manifest

## Instructions
Please follow the included ARMP5 V2 Documentation PDF for printing and assembly instructions

## Pedigree
The following models/geometry were referenced in the development of this project:

* KF5/SF5 Lower
* HK MP5 and MP5K Lowers

## Change Log
- v20: Beta Candidate 1
* Included compatibility across all manufacturers

## License
No license has been selected as of 1/16/2024. No warranties expressed or implied. Use at your own risk.