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# ARMP5 V2
V2 of the ARMP5, a 3D printable MP5 Lower that takes AR FCGs, revamped from the ground up.
by @S3igu2:c & UberPoor
## Description
A 3D printable MP5 lower that utilizes AR FCGs, also includes lower specific housings for S3igu2's FRT/FA/SS trigger packs.
## Variants
- **SP5** - Compatible with HK SP5 and SP5K
- **AP5 POF ZF5** - Compatible with the AP5, POF, and ZF5 (and K versions of course). Also compatible with transferable or post sample HK MP5's.
- **PTR Early Import HK** - Compatible with full shelf MP5's, such as PTR and HK MP5's that precede the SP5.
## Materials Required
Please follow the included ARMP5 V2 Documentation PDF for material manifest
## Instructions
Please follow the included ARMP5 V2 Documentation PDF for printing and assembly instructions
## Pedigree
The following models/geomtry were referenced in the development of this project:
* KF5/SF5 Lower
* HK MP5 and MP5K Lowers
## Change Log
- v20: Beta Candidate 1
* Included compatibility across all manufacturers
## License
No license has been selected as of 1/16/2024. No warranties expressed or implied. Use at your own risk.
# UPDATE 09-03-2024
S3igu2 has revised the lowers to hopefully drastically improve compatibility with AP5's and other MKE produced clones, along with the removal of the
mounting area for the, now essentially dead, MP5 FRT project. If you have an AP5 and are having issues with getting the lower to work right, consider printing this latest version.
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; fosscad; guncad; 3d printing; gun
V2 of the ARMP5, a 3D printable MP5 Lower that takes AR FCGs, revamped from the ground up.
by @S3igu2:c & UberPoor
## Description
A 3D printable MP5 lower that utilizes AR FCGs, also includes lower specific housings for S3igu2's FRT/FA/SS trigger packs.
## Variants
- **SP5** - Compatible with HK SP5 and SP5K
- **AP5 POF ZF5** - Compatible with the AP5, POF, and ZF5 (and K versions of course). Also compatible with transferable or post sample HK MP5's.
- **PTR Early Import HK** - Compatible with full shelf MP5's, such as PTR and HK MP5's that precede the SP5.
## Materials Required
Please follow the included ARMP5 V2 Documentation PDF for material manifest
## Instructions
Please follow the included ARMP5 V2 Documentation PDF for printing and assembly instructions
## Pedigree
The following models/geomtry were referenced in the development of this project:
* KF5/SF5 Lower
* HK MP5 and MP5K Lowers
## Change Log
- v20: Beta Candidate 1
* Included compatibility across all manufacturers
## License
No license has been selected as of 1/16/2024. No warranties expressed or implied. Use at your own risk.
# UPDATE 09-03-2024
S3igu2 has revised the lowers to hopefully drastically improve compatibility with AP5's and other MKE produced clones, along with the removal of the
mounting area for the, now essentially dead, MP5 FRT project. If you have an AP5 and are having issues with getting the lower to work right, consider printing this latest version.
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; fosscad; guncad; 3d printing; gun