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MP5A3 Sliding Stock - Daikon Remix!

@DaikonDefense 49.2MiB Oct. 27, 2021, 11:49 p.m.

9x19mm PCC H&K MP5

**Rejoyce! **This sliding stock was originally designed by Mussy and posted to Thingiverse and Cults3D as a printed MP5 A3 rail style stock. While functional, there were a few key design features that needed improvement. This updated design is an attempt to resolve those issues and develop a more robust stock.

While keeping the original aesthetic, this version has an improved single piece locking mechanism, more robust attachment method, and larger guide rods holes for a smoother sliding motion. Additionally, users have the option of using 6mm or ¼” guide rods depending on local material availability.

Currently Compatible with:
AWCY? Thump n' Grind:
AWCY? EVO Scorpion:
DB Firearms Galileo:


Hardware kits available at

LBRY Tags: art; guns; stock