There's an API link at the bottom if you want to poke around

Fake Grenade Body
...grenade. The head can be purchased off eBay as
"U.S. Grenade Head Trip Alarms + Spoons...

Jack O Lantern Grenade Body
...glued in place to make a functioning smoke grenade.
LBRY Tags: b40; b69; grenade; m228; stubbs...

Expedient Hand Grenades - Dmitrieff
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: grenades; guns; freedom; free speech; ebook...

M-79 Grenade Launcher Thumper Technical Data Package
...M-79 Grenade Launcher Thumper Technical Data Package...

M69 Sparkle Grenade
...It's a smoke grenade canister I threw together for fun. Use are your own risk...

How to build Flash and Stun Grenades - Dmitrieff George
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: guns; diy; grenades; ebook; dmitrieff...

...No description provided for this release...

M203 40mm Grenade Launcher Receiver
...M203 40mm Receiver Blueprint...

Urmoms2a Grenade O'Conner AR grip
...get the raddest grip for AR platform the grenaid oconner head turner!
LBRY Tags: argrip...

(Russian) RPG-26-1993 Manual for Reactive Anti Tank Grenade
...Russian manual for the RPG-26
LBRY Tags: ukraine war; russian army; rocket launcher; russian...

BN43 nebelhandgranate
...grenade uses the small blue pull fuse of the M39 'egg' grenade to simplify production...

China Lake Reference Model
...grenade launcher. The tubular magazine held three 40x46mm grenades, and so with one grenade in the chamber...

B40 and B69 Combo Pack
...grenade fuse assembly that uses milspec parts.
The B40 is a V40 mini grenade inspired...

V40 Style Body for M213/M228 Size Fuse
...grenades with 5/8 diameter threads. Classic grenades have 9/16 threads and will not be interchangeable...

FamAR Progress Update
...grenade sights. My reference model is a semi auto import version without these features owned...

M39 EirHandgranate
...grenade. It uses the M228 internal parts fuse previously released for my 1943 stick grenade...

BN39 Nebelandgranate
...stem so it can be removed from the main charge.
LBRY Tags: stick grenade; stubbs; smoke; grenade; bn39...

B40 Mini Frag Printable Pull Ring
...grenade body. The ring is a teardrop shape, approximately 50mm diameter 60mm tall. It is intended...

BN39 Primer Fuse Retrofit
...grenade repair kits. The kit accepts the hammer, spring and hammer pivot pin, and a cotter...

Wolfspistole 26.5
...grenade heads, as well as purpose built anti tank projectiles.
The Wolfspistole is based on the Leuchtpistole...