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P94 Recession Ruger Beta
...get hurt.
I've been sitting on these files since March. I haven't had the time...

Container for Middleton Pillpusher Linear Comp
...get right but came out great. enjoy!
Oh and scarf joint the outside wall of the insert...

BCA naughty chargers
...get to all of the requests because making these is actually kind of gross lmao...

Very Rough PM63 Lower
...get something out of it. Some of the measurements might be use full to someone...

Ruger Mk Series - TacSol Ejector Installation Tool
...tinkercad to get the job done.
LBRY Tags: ruger; ruger mkii; mkiii; 3d print; diy tool...

TESLA Cyberstein (for us poors) Mk-1.0
...get drunk, in style? Too broke to buy two beers at ~$150usd, just for some...

sopmod stock, brace & cleaning kit step file
...get o rings for the plugs.
i made the battery compartments slightly bigger.
i will...

300blkFDE's ( 22 ) FTN.4 42x40
...get all the excess JB weld cleaned up so the tube looks good once done...

Double Schnitzel "Halo" V1
...get creative with this, but this version does what it is supposed to do. Feel...

RGC-Chimera OKB-69 Release
...get it to cycle completely consistiently with all pistols. why is that? maybe because you are reaching...

MP metal rear picatinny mount chassis
...gets the job done. step files for people to roast.
LBRY Tags: 3d; print; 3d print...

AGH MY NECK Mini Grip (AR-15)
...get me some fuck'n ice before I
finish the job n' end m'self...

Smooth CMR/PMR 30 60 round extended mag body *remix*
...Get the other mag parts off @durendalresearch:d 's original post as well as import...

.308 Winchester (7.62x51mm NATO) 10 Round Ammo Box
...get hold of the rim to pull them out.
Print Settings
Printer brand:

XD1933 DP5
...get if a XD Frame and a Glock frame fucccckkkkkkttt!
Takes PF940C Polymer80 rails. G19 Slide...

...get those, (looks like something similar to a mastermount) but it might be a cheap...

...gets hot as Satan's balls underneath the handguard. If you don't print it in something...

bi12 v2 update
...getting thes to an stl format would be appreciated and then repost files only open...

mossberg 500 to ak stock adapter.
...get creative and use all the different stocks for mossberg 500's on a ak with...

...get the ss working
polymaker PolyLite™ PLA Pro for the lower