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FGC68: FGC9 MKII AR buffer tube thread in model replica for paintball

@UntangleWORKS 3.4MiB July 9, 2022, 9:02 a.m.

9x19mm FGC-9 Hybrid Firearm

this model is based on the FGC9 AR buffer-tube mount
but you need this 3d model for the FGC68 to get the same look

this replica model is fully 3d printed made to look like the real version.

this work with the FGC68 tipx edition (MKI/MKII)
the stok works with a view remote-line options
PTC = Push to connect
RL = Remote line
SCRL = Slide Check Remote line

I would print this solid. in a 0.2 layer hight

LBRY Tags: fgc68; paintball; magfed; fgc68 mkii; fgc68 mki