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Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 Compact 9mm grip spacer for full size mags
...Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 Compact 9mm grip spacer for full size mags...

DMB & Co D.R.U.M. Pocket Sand Tactical Dickbutt Cover
...Custom Danny Meatball D.R.U.M. Cover ...

p320 base plate for jp320 mags
...modified base plates to work with @adventuresintrialanderror:4 p320 mags
works for 15,17 and...

Expedient Homemade Firearms 9mm Submachine Gun P A Luty Paladin Press
...magazine; spring; pin; breech; photo; reamer; block; barrel; breech block; upper receiver; machine gun; lower...

m5078 - Olympic Classic
...Magazine - a remarkable addition to our product lineup. Inspired by the Feinstein magazine design and crafted...

SlabSlav AKM Mag Remix
...magazine springs via alternate follower and floorplate versions, for Western (North American countries) builders; as AR-15 magazine...

DMB Co. D.R.U.M. v1.1 Reference Model
...magazine system. With interchangeable risers, the user can fit the magazine to almost any 9mm magwell...

Vertical P-Mag/Hochul Mag Coupler
...magazines. Designed for use in states that limit you to 10 round magazines. Couple two 10 round...

3D printable Thompson Mag BETA 1
...magazine for the Thompson carbine/SMG by OldGreyBeast
This magazine is suitable for either the modern...

...magazine to avoid overloading and over compressing the spring.
LBRY Tags: ar22; cmmg; magazine; mag; ar15...

Your Waifu Trash MagHolster
...Magazine Holster for 9mm Doublestack GLOCK BRAND Magazines. Holster fits Nice and snug, Like your...

...will be compatible with my upcoming bizon style magazine.
LBRY Tags: kp9; bizon; 9mm; drum; magazine...

theOtherSig's Poison Sumac, now with better mags.
...magazines from the Finnish Suomi submachinegun. Inspired by the Lage manufacturing Mac-11 uppers, the SuMac...

LPL T-Mags pack for M&P Shield (NOT Shield Plus)
...magazine pack for M&P Shield 1.0 and 2.0 Pistols (not for Shield Plus). Includes...

Glock Follower Pack - Crab Edition
...magazines. I tweaked these for reliable last round hold open for both DMB and Menendez...

Glock Mag Baseplate
...magazines? Don't want to pay OEM prices for OEM goodies? Here's a totally...

DMB & Co. D.R.U.M. v1.1
...magazine system. With interchangeable risers, the user can fit the magazine to almost any 9mm magwell...

3D Printable Vityaz/Saiga9/KP9/KR9 Mags (with spring jig)
...magazines. Included with the magazine files is a 3d printable jig to wind your own springs...

skr8body ar.22 mag
...magazine for ar22 inspired by fn fal magazines. uses everytown style follower and the ever...

PMAG GL9 +3 Extension
LBRY Tags: pmag plus 3; gl9 plus 3; plus 3 extension; glock magazine; magpul...