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Glock Follower Pack - Crab Edition

ChadwickTheCrab 869.3KiB Oct. 25, 2022, 12:44 p.m.

9x19mm Handgun Glock Magazine

Here are some tweaked followers for 3D printed 9mm glock magazines. I tweaked these for reliable last round hold open for both DMB and Menendez Mags. Both mags would lock the slide back with one round left in the magazine. I tested these in a @chairmanwon:a 19x V3. The DMB mags were too wide so there's a revised mag out there that's .5mm thinner from that works great.

For the Menendez followers, I just lowered the shelf by 0.5mm increments so you can find one that fits your mag body and spring the best.

LBRY Tags: glock; magazine; 9mm; dmb; menendez