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PDW S/B, Model 1 Delta 2 V1.0.1
...Model 1 Delta 2 V1.0.1: Laffs Dynamics
Enhanced variant of the Base Model 1 Folding...

...model of the M2 SLAM mine that is marked INERT in 15mm tall font on the font...

BCA Bufferless BC9 reference models
...model it in the bullpup lower I'm working on. I modeled everything except the inside...

PDW S/B, Model 1 Delta 1 V1.0.1
...Model 1 Delta 1 V1.0.1: Laffs Dynamics
Enhanced variant of the Base Model 1 Folding...

savage model 64f accessories
...model 64f takedown model adding extra length to the front section of the stock and offering...

M76 Bullet Guide CAD Model
...Modeled this a while ago, and uploaded it on a forum. I uploaded it here...

Sheet Metal Derringer Model 1 - professor parabellum -22lr
...model 1" its quite simple could be made with hand tools and a cordless drill...

savage model 64 ejector
...model 64 22lr rifle
this will not fit the takedown model for the 64f
jig for divot...

Bren L4A1 Magazine Reference Model (WIP)
...model of a Bren L4A1 magazine (*early access*: just the floor plate for now, rest...

OK Boomer Rails (Aves Model)
...models or blueprints for the rails. This means that anyone wishing to build the design...

Glock firing pin reference model
...modeling stuff around a Glock firing pin / striker, but all I had was an STL. So I modeled...

Airforce Texan Picatinny Block - All Models - SS, LSS, Standard, Carbine, CF
...models of Texan meant that I could also make a cleaner version for use on the Standard...

M320 Barrel Reference Model
...models for the coveted launcher so this is our contribution to help fix that.

Hollow M2 SLAM Model
...model, which was previously released. It is hollow and has a separate lid which can be glued...

AR-12 Magazine Reference Model
...model of a Turkish AR-12 pattern magazine (fits VR-80 pattern shotguns, etc), 5 round...

Enhanced Evo Safety Levers Model-F V1.1.2
...Model-F V1.1.2: FFFTech/FFFTechnology
3D printed safety levers for the CZ Scorpion Evo III. OEM safety...

SY22 Reference STEP
...From Black Lotus Coalition Dev Mr. Snark himself the V1 SY-22 is now uploaded...

Cabfare V1.2 STEP
...Released by BLC Dev Punk Juggle in Febuary 2022 the Cabfare was heavily inspired by...

Urutau - Normal Length - Metric Bolt
...The Urutau was originally designed between 2021 and 2024 by Zé Carioca, a pseudonymous Brazilian...

DMB Sten and SVTR Mag v1.1 Reference
...Released November 22, 2022 with developer DannyMeatball
Original Link:
Sten & SVTR Mags...