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I Modeled this a while ago, and uploaded it on a forum. I uploaded it here to make it a bit more accessible. Below is the description I had on my original forum post. Unfortunately I don't have the STEP file, if you are able to get the step file, let me know and I can update the file.
I had some time to kill and I wanted to get some practice in with fusion 360, so I modeled a bullet guide for the yugo m76 (8mm ak). I took the dimensions from a new m76 bullet guide that I bought off of ak files, and from the blueprints in the ak TDP. If your going to make this I would undersize the hole so that you can drill it when you are going to rivet it to the trunnion/receiver. Also something to note is that is the m76 bullet guide is thicker than a standard ak bullet guide, so that if you want the correct guide you will probably have to make it from scratch. Additionally I would double check the location of the "dimples" on the edge of the bullet guide, as I had a hard time trying to take measurements of those from the bullet guide I have, I don't think that locating them is critical to the function of the rifle as long as they clear the 8mm tips.
LBRY Tags: guns; cad; fusion360; 8mm mauser; ak
I had some time to kill and I wanted to get some practice in with fusion 360, so I modeled a bullet guide for the yugo m76 (8mm ak). I took the dimensions from a new m76 bullet guide that I bought off of ak files, and from the blueprints in the ak TDP. If your going to make this I would undersize the hole so that you can drill it when you are going to rivet it to the trunnion/receiver. Also something to note is that is the m76 bullet guide is thicker than a standard ak bullet guide, so that if you want the correct guide you will probably have to make it from scratch. Additionally I would double check the location of the "dimples" on the edge of the bullet guide, as I had a hard time trying to take measurements of those from the bullet guide I have, I don't think that locating them is critical to the function of the rifle as long as they clear the 8mm tips.
LBRY Tags: guns; cad; fusion360; 8mm mauser; ak