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The files contained in this release are for an airgun. They are not, and cannot be converted in any way to be, compatible with firearms.
Initial Release.
These files were developed in response to my frustration with the 11mm dovetail rails on the .457 Airforce Texan LSS being inadequate for the power that rifle is capable of producing and my bipod frequently working loose. I went with picatinny due to its standardized nature and the sheer number of available accessories. During development and testing, I realized that parts commonality between the various models of Texan meant that I could also make a cleaner version for use on the Standard and Carbine versions, as well as to the rear of the shroud rear block on the LSS.
Developed from scratch in Fusion360 with multiple configurations available including bottom, side, top, and quad rail configurations.
Legal Disclaimer:
This product is not approved or endorsed by Airforce Airguns in any way. Use and installation is at your own risk and may void your warranty. These files are protected by Creative Commons non-commercial with attribution. Modifications and derivatives may be created and shared with source file attribution to @CVABuck.
Required Components:
2x 10-32 hex nuts – Black Oxide finish recommended
Blue (non-permanent) Locktite threadlocker
2x 10-32 x 1” grub screws – Black Oxide finish recommended
Material and Printer Settings:
eSun PLA Pro is a minimum. Polymaker PolyLite PLA Pro is recommended over eSun if you are not capable of PACF. PACF is the preferred material and should be annealed to relieve internal stress.
This is an advanced-level print, you should be expected to know your printer settings and what works for you. In general, you’ll want to print hot and slow for strength. For the SS/LSS Version, I found the best results to be obtained from printing with the gasketed interface down. Using breakaway supports everywhere with a zero interface distance is strongly recommended. For the standard version, your favorite support settings are fine.
LBRY Tags: airforcetexan; picatinny; picatinnyrail; airgun; airforceairguns
The files contained in this release are for an airgun. They are not, and cannot be converted in any way to be, compatible with firearms.
Initial Release.
These files were developed in response to my frustration with the 11mm dovetail rails on the .457 Airforce Texan LSS being inadequate for the power that rifle is capable of producing and my bipod frequently working loose. I went with picatinny due to its standardized nature and the sheer number of available accessories. During development and testing, I realized that parts commonality between the various models of Texan meant that I could also make a cleaner version for use on the Standard and Carbine versions, as well as to the rear of the shroud rear block on the LSS.
Developed from scratch in Fusion360 with multiple configurations available including bottom, side, top, and quad rail configurations.
Legal Disclaimer:
This product is not approved or endorsed by Airforce Airguns in any way. Use and installation is at your own risk and may void your warranty. These files are protected by Creative Commons non-commercial with attribution. Modifications and derivatives may be created and shared with source file attribution to @CVABuck.
Required Components:
2x 10-32 hex nuts – Black Oxide finish recommended
Blue (non-permanent) Locktite threadlocker
2x 10-32 x 1” grub screws – Black Oxide finish recommended
Material and Printer Settings:
eSun PLA Pro is a minimum. Polymaker PolyLite PLA Pro is recommended over eSun if you are not capable of PACF. PACF is the preferred material and should be annealed to relieve internal stress.
This is an advanced-level print, you should be expected to know your printer settings and what works for you. In general, you’ll want to print hot and slow for strength. For the SS/LSS Version, I found the best results to be obtained from printing with the gasketed interface down. Using breakaway supports everywhere with a zero interface distance is strongly recommended. For the standard version, your favorite support settings are fine.
LBRY Tags: airforcetexan; picatinny; picatinnyrail; airgun; airforceairguns