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This is a new version of the M2 SLAM model, which was previously released. It is hollow and has a separate lid which can be glued or solder iron welded on. This of course means you can put things in it. If you are going to put things in it, and you are not making a registered Destructive Device with a form 1, or a manufacturer and Federal Explosive Licensee, I recommend only using binary explosive compound such as tannerite (tm) and assembling it on site in accordance with the instructions on the tannerite.
I revisited the M2 model after completing Ghost Recon 2001, which accurately portrays it as a timed or command detonated demolition charge.
LBRY Tags: m2; slam; stubbs; mine; battlefield
I revisited the M2 model after completing Ghost Recon 2001, which accurately portrays it as a timed or command detonated demolition charge.
LBRY Tags: m2; slam; stubbs; mine; battlefield