There are a surprising number of Christmas tree ornaments here

GoldCorp Evo Mag 30
...Laffs Dynamics
Rear echelon units of GoldCorp PMC often need to be armed when working...

21 A Bobcat Ridge Wrap Panels
...Laffs Dynamic
Printer Used: Ender 3 V2
Filament Used: PLA+
Print Settings:
Extruder: 218C
Bed: 56C

Spooky Scary Grip (AR-15)
...Laffs Dynamics
Printer Used: Ender 3 V2
Filament Used: PLA+
Print Settings:
Extruder: 220C
Bed: 56C

Iso Tri-Line 1911 Grip Panels
...Laffs Dynamics
A grip panel set for M1911 pistols (and compatible variants) with patterns of outlined...

AGH MY NECK Mini Grip (AR-15)
...Laffs Dynamics
Geezus CHRIST! I slept weird and now my neck's F U C K E D every...

HG-2 Handguard (MP5K)
...Laffs Dynamics
A handguard for the HK MP5K, MP5K PDW, and licensed copies/clones. (SMGs and pistol...

Precision Grip (AR-15)
...Precision Grip (AR-15): FFFTech/FFFTechnology
A design created mimicking the PSG-1's grip. Has...

Storage Grip V2 (AR-15)
...Storage Grip V2 (AR-15): FFFTech/FFFTechnology
Version 2 of the original 3FTech Storage Grip. Overall...

Kryptesque 1911 Grip Panels
...Kryptesque 1911 Grip Panels: FFFTech/FFFTechnology
A grip panel set for M1911 pistols (and compatible variants...

Typewriter M-Lok AFG
...Typewriter M-Lok AFG: FFFTech/FFFTechnology
An M-Lok angled foregrip, similar size and overall geometry...

Precision Grip Lite (AR-15) V1.2.1
...Precision Grip Lite V1.2.1 (AR-15): FFFTech/FFFTechnology
A reduced material version of the original Precision...

Enhanced Evo Safety Levers Model-F V1.1.2
...Enhanced Evo Safety Levers Model-F V1.1.2: FFFTech/FFFTechnology
3D printed safety levers for the CZ...

Enhanced Evo Safety Levers Model-F V2
...Enhanced Evo Safety Levers Model-F V2: FFFTech/FFFTechnology
Version 2 of the original 3FTech Enhanced...

Balance Mini Grip
...A basic slim and compact grip for the AR-15. (And other compatible firearms) The...

Forward Micro M-Lok AFG
...Forward Micro M-Lok AFG: FFFTech/FFFTechnology
A micro AFG, designed for compact PDWs such as...

Cross Cut 1911 Grip Panels
...Cross Cut 1911 Grip Panels: FFFTech/FFFTechnology
A grip panel set for M1911 pistols (and compatible...

VertiGrip (AR-15)
...VertiGrip (AR-15): FFFTech/FFFTechnology
A 0° angled grip designed typically for precision rifles. Has a...

GlockenShUUt Mag Loadinator 9000 (REPACK)
...GlockenShUUt Mag Loadinator 9000 (REPACK): Laffs
Mag loader for doublestack 9mm Glock mags. Dummy cheap...

STEN Mag Loadinator 9000
...STEN Mag Loadinator 9000: Laffs
Mag loader for STEN magazines. Dummy cheap and quick to...

MP5 Mag Loadinator 9000 (10rd)
...MP5 Mag Loadinator 9000 (10rd): Laffs
Mag loader for MP5 metal magazines. Dummy cheap and...