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Kalashnikov prints saiga 12 handguard remix (fixed)
...stuff) but yes - i did not originally design this, nor did i originally design the saiga...

AWCY? Presents: ItsaShame's Bolt Buddy 10/22 bolt tool
...stuff that takes a 10/22 bolt, now you can simplify and speed up the charging...

Corser2 Remix - M4ND0R04CH
...Corser2 by Sum One:
Obtuse Mag Holder by Stuff I Done Did:

HK light mount
...stuff with a similar handguard mounting pin and front sight (G3, MP5, PTR-91, etc). Melt...

Glock firing pin reference model
...stuff around a Glock firing pin / striker, but all I had was an STL. So I modeled...

Cig Case
...stuff but only tested with 1 1/4ths.
LBRY Tags: cig case; 3d printing; cad; printer...

AUG Trigger Sear
...close to standard. The last 3 might do some funny stuff.
LBRY Tags: aug; sear; trigger...

Py2a Maverick 88 plain receiver with pic rail
...wabbit but im not in to that fuddy duddy stuff.
LBRY Tags: cbsignals; py2a; 3d2a; maverick 88...

NN80 Mag Holster
...stuff and if you get a few belt clips and some hardware under 20 bucks...

...stuff bullet tips to make an heavier bolt....
print breech face down on bed... (should...

Beretta 92F Magazine adapter for AR-15
...stuff a beretta 92 magazine into an AR15 with minimum effort on my part. Use the printed...

Fruit Salad v0.1 Sound Reducer
...Crescent use with caution and stuff.
LBRY Tags: gatalog; pew; 3d printing; 2a printing; fruit salad...

Dick Emoji Sound Reducer
...Eggplant themed RGB Crescent use with caution and stuff.
Untested, good luck....

Preview for my MPR-195 aka. The Abomination
...Stuff Made Here uses the phrase "intergration hell" or the difficulties the process of interconnecting...

AR15 flash hider pencil holder
...idea for any gun guy with a desk or office space. Enjoy!
LBRY Tags: 2a; 3d gun stuff...

...pack of stuff to help you make your FGC9
LBRY Tags: guns; fgc9; ar15; fosscad; gun...

VZ61 Multipiece, Release V1, Public Beta
...stuff going on. Currently outside of the country until 2025. Trying to wrap everything up and release...

22 chiappa and wasr mag release 4
...stuff out and give me feedback, and let me know.
Im still working on this...

M1337 Parts List PDF with links
...stuff cheaper. I recommend going to a hardware store for the nuts and bolts. You might...

Show Stopper Sound Reducer
...Butt Plug themed RGB Crescent use with caution and stuff.
Untested, good luck....