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This is something im working on, a Set of magazines for .22 AK's.
Its still under development, but it works and ive got enough put together for people with RAK .22LR ak's to start enjoying and have made a ton of remixes, & i need people with wasr-22's to test this stuff out and give me feedback, and let me know.
Im still working on this however.
Big thanks to fatherapache, & black lotus coalition i would not have been able to do this if it were not for them and their original work as outlined in the read-me's.
Primary reason im putting this up and out now is to get it out there in circulation in the event my computer gets fried and i loose the original files. im kinda starting to like oddysee,
its like backing it up to the oddysee cloud-
4/13/2024 -
Added weird waffle mag remix for chiappa rak .22lr
Added ak-12, Catgirl,chevy, izzy kalash group & half life magazine remixes for chiappa rak.22lr
(would be cool to have a resident evil one but im lazy) might make one later.
4/25/2024 - Fixed the ak-12 mag (somewhat) There was an issue where it would not allow a floorplate to slide-on. it has since been fixed.
Also added a H&k style coupler mag design. so you dont have to be ghetto and duct-tape your mags together, these just snap right together.
IMPORTANT Notice - it has come to my attention that some of the rear lugs geometry may be slightly off.
If you own a rak-22lr ak this shouldnt come as a surprise or anything new if you have used black dog machine wasr-22 mags. You know the drill -
A little hand filing on the rear lug to get it a perfect fit where it snaps and clicks in.
This is something im working on, a Set of magazines for .22 AK's.
Its still under development, but it works and ive got enough put together for people with RAK .22LR ak's to start enjoying and have made a ton of remixes, & i need people with wasr-22's to test this stuff out and give me feedback, and let me know.
Im still working on this however.
Big thanks to fatherapache, & black lotus coalition i would not have been able to do this if it were not for them and their original work as outlined in the read-me's.
Primary reason im putting this up and out now is to get it out there in circulation in the event my computer gets fried and i loose the original files. im kinda starting to like oddysee,
its like backing it up to the oddysee cloud-
4/13/2024 -
Added weird waffle mag remix for chiappa rak .22lr
Added ak-12, Catgirl,chevy, izzy kalash group & half life magazine remixes for chiappa rak.22lr
(would be cool to have a resident evil one but im lazy) might make one later.
4/25/2024 - Fixed the ak-12 mag (somewhat) There was an issue where it would not allow a floorplate to slide-on. it has since been fixed.
Also added a H&k style coupler mag design. so you dont have to be ghetto and duct-tape your mags together, these just snap right together.
IMPORTANT Notice - it has come to my attention that some of the rear lugs geometry may be slightly off.
If you own a rak-22lr ak this shouldnt come as a surprise or anything new if you have used black dog machine wasr-22 mags. You know the drill -
A little hand filing on the rear lug to get it a perfect fit where it snaps and clicks in.