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The One off collection Volume 1
...this is a bunch of stipples i did for one off requests compiled there are...

McMaster-Carr part number 1983N13 stl and step
...a stl and step file for McMaster-Carr part number 1983N13 swedish fish red original...

The Donglet
...when I was learning how to stipple I said "I will make anything into a...

The Nutty 9
...TooAceForThisShit, Joe_Dirt
FGC-9 MK2 by JStark1809, IvanTheTroll, 3socksandcrocs
## Description
The Nutty-9 is a remix...

UFA gambino
Beta Testers all of the above plus 3DG, Here2printeverything
BUILD ADVICE: For full UFA compliance...

UFA compliant Cabfare Release Pack
...TooAceForThisShit for providing emotional support
This Varant of the Cabfare uses a grip weight measuring...

FMDA 19X.2
A Special thank you to:
Moderator Gage
KYGS666 of AWCY?
The entire...
