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UFA-Compliant Gambino by Black Lotus Coalition
Black Lotus Coalition
The Gambino V2
Now UFA Compliant
Release Date: April 13th, 2023
PURPOSE: In the USA, the Undetectable Firearms Act (UFA) requires all firearms to be at least as detectable as a security exemplar Derringer containing 3.7 oz (105 g) of metal content. See more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undetectable_Firearms_Act
INTENT: Trollwerks says, "You can't print in prison. Choose & fight your battles wisely. Don't die on the 'Fuck the UFA' hill. We got bigger battles ahead."
CHANGES: This UFA-compliant update uses the base Gambino version 1.7 and incorporates the following changes:
- Modified the frame and grips to hold a 4.0 ounce engravable steel grip weight measuring 35mm x 35mm x 12.7mm (1/2") with 6mm radiused corners for compliance with the U.S. Undetectable Firearms Act (UFA). This is the same weight as used on the UFA-compliant Cabfare and this weight alone exceeds the 3.7 ounces of metal incorporated in the exemplar Derringer referenced in the UFA. A .DXF of this weight can be found in the files and should be cut of half inch mild steel or stainless steel (California, others?)
- added windowed grip panels with a window measuring 18mm x 25mm as an option to show off any engraving to help comply with state or local laws.
CREDITS: UFA Compliant Version Dev Team / thanks to:
Original Gambino work by NameisNight
BLC overmind assimilation by Moderator Gage
UFA CAD work heavy lifting by MadMax
UFA-compliant concept, beta testing, and hardware kits by Trollwerks
Emotional support and a splash of actual CAD work this time by TooAceForThisShit
Beta Testers all of the above plus 3DG, Here2printeverything
BUILD ADVICE: For full UFA compliance, it is recommended to use JB weld to glue the steel weight to either the left 1/2 frame and left grip OR right 1/2 frame and right grip. This should be considered a permanent fixture that still allows you to remove the other half (grip & frame) to conduct maintenance on springs and other internals.
CONVENIENCE / HARDWARE KITS: As of this release, https://www.trollwerks2a.com (USA Only/VPN Off) sells “print & play” hardware kits for both the short- and long-barreled variants that include a ~4oz laser cut steel grip weight for simple UFA compliance as well as rifled & chambered barrel liners, screws, nuts, springs, and a "drilled dime" breech reinforcement. Just add plastic!
Base model notes follow:
A Remix of punk juggle's Cabfare 22lr Pistol by nameisnight
Release Date: 02/23/2022
Latest Update: 03/05/2022
While I like the original version of the Cabfare I found some issues and things I wanted to change, so I remixed it, now calling it the Gambino 22lr.
============================== !! READ ME !! ==============================
Only use proper 22lr Barrel Liners with Rifling, Otherwise its Illegal and Dangerous
Only use Strong Epoxy such as JB Weld or Lock tight for the Barrel and Dime Breech
For first shots use a empty 22lr shell will bullet and gunpowder removed, Check for Issues.
For second shot use a Sub-Sonic 22lr bullet and fire remotely or at least use thick gloves and safety glasses, Check for issues.
If all pass and the gun does not show any cracks, brakes or issues, Shoot with caution and always check the gun for issues.
Along with all the required parts from the original package (1.2) you will need the following
1 US Dime (.10c)
1 Drilling Tool
1 3.5 mm Drill Bit
1 6 mm Drill Bit
Use PLA+ or Stonger, 100% Infill, 20 Walls, No Brim, No Raft, No Supports. .20 = OK .16 = GOOD .12 = BEST
You will need to print
x1 Left Frame
x1 Right Frame
x1 Left Grip
x1 Right Grip
x2 Striker Grips
x1 Sear
x1 Trigger
x1 Striker
x1 Take down
x1 Dime Jig
All other files are Optional
Build Instructions
Threaded Barrel:
Print at 100% infill, Max walls and Vary high resilution for the threads. Recommend .12 or lower.
Supressed Barrel:
Print Settings:
PLA+ or Stronger
.16 or Lower Detail
100% Infill
20 Walls Top and Bottom
Print front down on bed
NO Supports
Use a 65mm 22lr Rifled Barrel Liner with a OD of 8mm
Use a 8mm drill bit to pre-drill the hole in the barrel from the breech side down, keep stright!
Use pliers or sandpaper to scratch the outside of the barrel for more surface area
Use 2 part strong Epoxy (JB Weld, Locktight, etc) and wipe the barrels outside with a generus layer
Press the barrel into the barrel body from the breech side, make sure end of liner is level with the barrel frame!
Clean leftover Epoxy, If some epoxy gets in the barrel liner clean out.
Please now your laws before printing, This is a NFA item in the United States!
Be sure that your b
UFA-Compliant Gambino by Black Lotus Coalition
Black Lotus Coalition
The Gambino V2
Now UFA Compliant
Release Date: April 13th, 2023
PURPOSE: In the USA, the Undetectable Firearms Act (UFA) requires all firearms to be at least as detectable as a security exemplar Derringer containing 3.7 oz (105 g) of metal content. See more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undetectable_Firearms_Act
INTENT: Trollwerks says, "You can't print in prison. Choose & fight your battles wisely. Don't die on the 'Fuck the UFA' hill. We got bigger battles ahead."
CHANGES: This UFA-compliant update uses the base Gambino version 1.7 and incorporates the following changes:
- Modified the frame and grips to hold a 4.0 ounce engravable steel grip weight measuring 35mm x 35mm x 12.7mm (1/2") with 6mm radiused corners for compliance with the U.S. Undetectable Firearms Act (UFA). This is the same weight as used on the UFA-compliant Cabfare and this weight alone exceeds the 3.7 ounces of metal incorporated in the exemplar Derringer referenced in the UFA. A .DXF of this weight can be found in the files and should be cut of half inch mild steel or stainless steel (California, others?)
- added windowed grip panels with a window measuring 18mm x 25mm as an option to show off any engraving to help comply with state or local laws.
CREDITS: UFA Compliant Version Dev Team / thanks to:
Original Gambino work by NameisNight
BLC overmind assimilation by Moderator Gage
UFA CAD work heavy lifting by MadMax
UFA-compliant concept, beta testing, and hardware kits by Trollwerks
Emotional support and a splash of actual CAD work this time by TooAceForThisShit
Beta Testers all of the above plus 3DG, Here2printeverything
BUILD ADVICE: For full UFA compliance, it is recommended to use JB weld to glue the steel weight to either the left 1/2 frame and left grip OR right 1/2 frame and right grip. This should be considered a permanent fixture that still allows you to remove the other half (grip & frame) to conduct maintenance on springs and other internals.
CONVENIENCE / HARDWARE KITS: As of this release, https://www.trollwerks2a.com (USA Only/VPN Off) sells “print & play” hardware kits for both the short- and long-barreled variants that include a ~4oz laser cut steel grip weight for simple UFA compliance as well as rifled & chambered barrel liners, screws, nuts, springs, and a "drilled dime" breech reinforcement. Just add plastic!
Base model notes follow:
A Remix of punk juggle's Cabfare 22lr Pistol by nameisnight
Release Date: 02/23/2022
Latest Update: 03/05/2022
While I like the original version of the Cabfare I found some issues and things I wanted to change, so I remixed it, now calling it the Gambino 22lr.
============================== !! READ ME !! ==============================
Only use proper 22lr Barrel Liners with Rifling, Otherwise its Illegal and Dangerous
Only use Strong Epoxy such as JB Weld or Lock tight for the Barrel and Dime Breech
For first shots use a empty 22lr shell will bullet and gunpowder removed, Check for Issues.
For second shot use a Sub-Sonic 22lr bullet and fire remotely or at least use thick gloves and safety glasses, Check for issues.
If all pass and the gun does not show any cracks, brakes or issues, Shoot with caution and always check the gun for issues.
Along with all the required parts from the original package (1.2) you will need the following
1 US Dime (.10c)
1 Drilling Tool
1 3.5 mm Drill Bit
1 6 mm Drill Bit
Use PLA+ or Stonger, 100% Infill, 20 Walls, No Brim, No Raft, No Supports. .20 = OK .16 = GOOD .12 = BEST
You will need to print
x1 Left Frame
x1 Right Frame
x1 Left Grip
x1 Right Grip
x2 Striker Grips
x1 Sear
x1 Trigger
x1 Striker
x1 Take down
x1 Dime Jig
All other files are Optional
Build Instructions
Threaded Barrel:
Print at 100% infill, Max walls and Vary high resilution for the threads. Recommend .12 or lower.
Supressed Barrel:
Print Settings:
PLA+ or Stronger
.16 or Lower Detail
100% Infill
20 Walls Top and Bottom
Print front down on bed
NO Supports
Use a 65mm 22lr Rifled Barrel Liner with a OD of 8mm
Use a 8mm drill bit to pre-drill the hole in the barrel from the breech side down, keep stright!
Use pliers or sandpaper to scratch the outside of the barrel for more surface area
Use 2 part strong Epoxy (JB Weld, Locktight, etc) and wipe the barrels outside with a generus layer
Press the barrel into the barrel body from the breech side, make sure end of liner is level with the barrel frame!
Clean leftover Epoxy, If some epoxy gets in the barrel liner clean out.
Please now your laws before printing, This is a NFA item in the United States!
Be sure that your b