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ALTec-22_Version_1.2 Printable Intratec Tec-22 Frame
...-22 Version 1.2 - This is a printable Tec-22 Frame
V1.2 Adds Safety, removes wall...

Tec-22 Frame by DecalOutlaw - AR15 Style Grip - Uses OEM Intratec 22 Parts kit - ARTec
...tec-22. Any upgraded Ruger 10-22 extractors should work, but figure it out for yourself...

CZ457 / TEC-22 ShushPuppy V2
...Tec-22 was just a little quieter? Do you hate that the threads for both...

CZ457 / TEC-22 ShushPuppy [OBSELETE]
...Tec-22 was just a little quieter? Do you hate that the threads for both...

...-22 for strong positive safety engagement.
LBRY Tags: altec22; safety spring; intratec; tec-22; replacement...

Tec22-Evo (Updated!)
...This is a modification of the Tec22 MK2A by HulkHoganHH. All original design credits go...

Threaded barrel for TEC22 mk2s ghettoblaster k-cad size B 3-4x16
...Threaded barrel for TEC22 mk2s ghettoblaster k-cad size B 3-4x16
LBRY Tags...

barrel lug with under rail for the TEC22 mk2s ghetto blaster
...barrel lug with under rail for the TEC22 mk2s ghetto blaster
LBRY Tags: tec22; mk2s...

Upper,BarrelLug and Barrel combined for TEC22 mk2s ghettoblaster
...All in 1 Upper, barrel lug and barrel. no need 4 epoxi no more.....

New MagPlate - TEC22 mk2s ghettoblaster
...Mag Plate with end. no slip and slide. :laughing_2:
LBRY Tags: tec22; mk2s; mag...

Tec22 mk2s ghetto blaster - Upper with rails.
...I did a remix of the upper with rails for the TEC22 mk2s ghetto blaster...
