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UPDATED Printable Intratec Tec-22 Frame by DecalOutlaw - AR15 Style Grip - Uses OEM Intratec 22 Parts kit - ARTec-22B 1.4 UPDATE

@lakeleo 488.3KiB Dec. 30, 2022, 5:35 p.m.

22 Long Rifle Intratec TEC-22

Updated to 1.4 thickens up the wall between the trigger pocket and the trigger opening.

This is the ARTec-22 By DecalOutlaw, it's the ALTec-22 but with an AR-15 Grip hence the title ARTec-22. The AR grip cuts printing time down considerable and lets you make use of any cool grip you like. I've shot thousands of rounds through three different parts kits without any problem. It feeds all shapes of 22LR ammo I had to test. Just make sure you have a nice sharp extractor and strong extractor spring, but that's just good measure for any tec-22. Any upgraded Ruger 10-22 extractors should work, but figure it out for yourself, not responsible for anything you choose to buy or do. Look up my username for the printable Safety Springs, the flat spring metal ones in the kit break, I designed a printable spring to use with this kit. NOTE: CONSIDER THIS EXPERIMENTAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THIS HAS NOT BEEN BETA TESTED BY ANYONE OTHER THAN MYSELF AND I'M A DUMMY.

LBRY Tags: printed gun; frame; stl; tec22; intratec