If you can make a better monochromatic icon, hit me up. I'll use it

Chonky Hammer 2.0 with Bolt Housing modification for the FGC-9 Mk2
...In an effort to increase the working lifetime of the FGC-9 Mk2's printed...

M6/M7-Type Pressure-Traction Firing Device
...This is a perimeter alarm based on the M6/M7 firing device originally used by NATO...

@MiddletonMade's HotPocket Charging Handle and Chassis Mount mods for Glock 19
...These mods for the HotPocket carbine kit adapt the original to accept a Glock 19...

M1A1- type Pressure Firing Device
...This is a perimeter alarm based on the M1A1 pressure firing device originally used by...

00 Buckshot Mold Project
...For those who live in countries with restrictions on the sale or possession of buckshot...

Improved Striker Orifice Jig for FGC-9 Bolt Manufacture
...The purpose of the above-mentioned jig is to significantly increase the success-rate of...

Chonkier Hammer for the FGC-9
...Don't you just hate it when you pull the trigger on your FGC-9...
