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Seamless Kolowrat Stock
...stock that can be printed on a larger format printer without seams.
LBRY Tags: kolowrat...

AR-VAL 3D-Printable stock
...stock, will require a printer with at minimum 330mm of Z-axis travel for tested...

RUST inspired AK Stock
...shout out to @unseenkiller:d for the picatinny dev blank
LBRY Tags: rust; ak; picatinny; stock; 3d...

Ruger 10/22 stock
...stock modified from MAXIS MK II on thingiverse. Print with 10 walls and 8 top and bottom...

FS-1 Rev 1 (Fixed Picatinny Mount Stock)
...stick out the side)
2x M4 Hex Nut
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; picatinny; stock; revision...

Draco AK 1913 Picatinny Stock, Brace and/or Sling mount adapter
...stock to you AK rifle with a flat rear trunnion.
LBRY Tags: guns; 3dp; defcad...

Bastard son stock v2
...stock, holds 15 rounds of 22lr and will fit any gun with a pic rail...

Carophylactic_15_V1.00 CAR 15 / XM177 Stock
...3D printable CAR 15 stock that requires minimal hardware. Great for budget retro build...

Hidden Gala Mods for Octane 45 supressor and Pic But stock
...stock. All parts are printed with ABS on a Bambu Labs X1C.
LBRY Tags: hidden...

...Stock, with fold and fixed option. AND REINFORCED PLATES , That you will send to sendcutsend...

SDI AK to AR Stock Adapter
...stock. Read me included, read it please!
LBRY Tags: ak47; 3d printing; ar15; adapter; prospacedog...

Printable Rifle Stock
...Its another stock...

37mm stock
...stock holds three 37mm shells. Made to fit mil-spec buffertube rather snuggly. small enough...

Printable Car15 Stock
...goodness of the Car15 Brace, now with rear surface area!
LBRY Tags: car15; stock; stubbs; ar15; printable...

Unseenkiller - Rook Telescoping Stock and Brace Assembly
...stock and brace adapted for use in the Rook
NOTE - you MUST use the pic rail...

Harlot Survival Rifle Stock v2.0
...stock that i made a while back
LBRY Tags: 3d printing; firearms; 3d2a; harlot; 22lr...

DB9 Alloy VSS Vintorez stock
...stock replaces the rear printed piece and pistol grip of your DB9 Alloy to turn...

AWCY ARK buffer tube with integrated ACR stock from V8
...stock for the AWCY ARK, but should work (untested)
LBRY Tags: 3d print; acr; stl; ark; awcy...

HitchHiker Three Shot Stock
...stock. much faster and convent than opening up the grip or pulling them out of your...

CEMTE Sling Mod Hoffman Tac. Stock
...CEMTE Sling Mod Hoffman Tactical Stocks
LBRY Tags: 3d printing...