When sorting by relevance, more popular releases are more likely to float to the top

Chiappa Badger Grip ACM69
...Small simple grip for the Chiappa Badger.
LBRY Tags: chiappa; badger; 3d print; 3d2a; 22lr...

...10rd Cut Down Mag
Happy Printing!!
YouTube: agoffgrid640
TikTok: agoffgrid
Odysee: odysee.com/@BCAM:4
Merch: bcam-merch-store.printify.me...

HS-BA11(S) AR Pistol Grip
...You know what this is. Enjoy it.
LBRY Tags: ar15; pistol grip; penis...

The Plug
...a 12 or 20 gauge to 22LR chamber adapter that will cycle in most Mags...

Storage Grip V2 (AR-15)
...Storage Grip V2 (AR-15): FFFTech/FFFTechnology
Version 2 of the original 3FTech Storage Grip. Overall...

"Mountain Scout" Fixed Carbine Buttstock
..."Mountain Scout" Fixed Carbine Buttstock: FFFTech/FFFTechnology
A lightweight, Club Foot styled fixed buttstock; slightly longer...

Schräge Musik Teaser 6-12-2022
...Attempted deadline end July
LBRY Tags: belt fed; stubbs; ar15; 3d printed; c:unlisted...

Zenitcopy 3D-6L (M-Lok Handstop)
...Zenitcopy 3D-6L (M-Lok Handstop): FFFTech/FFFTechnology
Oh shit. It's Feb 24th, 2022, and...

psg1 style ar-22 handguard
...this is a sidecharging ar22 handguard meant to pair with the ar22k/deARk sidecharging printed upper...

Toolless M-Lok Wire Control Guides - aka Magpul WCK
...Facsimile of the Magpul WCK toolless M-Lok wire control guides. Includes Step and f3d...

Magful Brace v1
...Magful Brace v1 by Push P.L.A.
LBRY Tags: 3d2a; brace; ar15; milspec; pistol brace...

New MagPlate - TEC22 mk2s ghettoblaster
...Mag Plate with end. no slip and slide. :laughing_2:
LBRY Tags: tec22; mk2s; mag...

AKM/RPK Trunnion Drilling Jigs
...Some 3d printable drilling jigs I designed, details about making and assembling the jig are...

Smaller HD22c Charging Handle
...A little one, that also isn't round so it won't just start spinning...

Ruger Mk Series - TacSol Ejector Installation Tool
...I needed a tool to hold the Tactical Solutions Ejector in a Ruger MK Series...

LR-300 Pistol Grip V1.1
...LR300 Pistol Grip V1.1 by Qwerm
My attempt to make a replica of the classic...

Night Raid AK Grip
...Night Raid AK Grip: Laffs
Semi-skeletonized AK grip. Has ridging on the lower section...

Tec22 mk2s ghetto blaster - Upper with rails.
...I did a remix of the upper with rails for the TEC22 mk2s ghetto blaster...

Ruger LCP 2 22LR Magazine Extension Grip
...No description provided for this release
LBRY Tags: ruger; lcp; pistol; magazine; 22lr...

WBK's AR-15 front charging handle extension 1.0
...Simple, but effective extension designed for BPAR-15, but it will work with even standard...