There's an API link at the bottom if you want to poke around

M203 40mm Grenade Launcher Receiver
...M203 40mm Receiver Blueprint...

AK-103 Butt and handguard
...Blueprints for the butt and hand guard if you have any more send me a...

A do it yourself Submachine gun
...Its homemade, 9mm, lightweight, durable, and will never be on an import ban list....

AR15 De-Safety
...With this work plan and a competent machinist, you can modify an existing AR15 safety...

Uzi Receiver Technical Drawings (schematics, blueprint, dimensions)
...These are gif images containing the blueprints for an Uzi Receiver. I'm posting this...

Blueprints Guitars
...Blueprint Guitar
LBRY Tags: blueprint guitar; guitar; blueprint; plan; blue...

M-79 Grenade Launcher Thumper Technical Data Package
...M-79 Grenade Launcher Thumper Technical Data Package...

HK MR556 Technical Data Package
...HK MR556 Technical Data Package...

Master files Drawings Boats
...Master files Drawings 🔥
LBRY Tags: blueprint; drawings; files; master; master files drawings...

Luger P06 Technical Data Package
...Luger P06 Technical Data Package...

Browning M2HB Technical Data Package
...Browning M2HB Technical Data Package...

M4 Survival Rifle Technical Data Package
...M4 Survival Rifle Technical Data Package...

Fluted 1928 Thompson Barrel - No thread
...tdp. I have included a picture of the chamber thread from the tdp if you wish...

Olympic M5078 AK compatible magazine - 3D printable
...TDP, specifically 3-24385. This TDP and many more can be found at

m5078 - Olympic Classic
...TDP 3-24385, we have developed this magazine to meet high standards of functionality and reliability...

M5078 - "Newsom" 3D printable Gen2 AKM Compatible Magazine
...TDP, specifically 3-24385. This TDP and many more can be found at

M76 Bullet Guide CAD Model
...TDP. If your going to make this I would undersize the hole so that you can drill...

Stamped AKM Magazine - 1958
...specifications set in 3-22109 TDP to nominals of GOST.
LBRY Tags: ak; russian; 762; 762x39; rifle...

Reference - AKM Front Trunnion
...tdp dated as recent as 1966. This includes the often forgotten helical detail on the retaining...