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This is our Olympic M5078 AK compatible magazine. Originally inspired by the Feinstein magazine, designed off the publicly know AKM TDP, specifically 3-24385. This TDP and many more can be found at https://odysee.com/@TheGatalog-TechnicalDataPackages:c . We are releasing this magazine due to the recently passed legislation in Washington State. We believe that the right to bear arms is not only inalienable in the sense of our constitutional rights - but in the sense that it's impossible to stop a determined individual. This magazine took just under a week to develop, and we are only a small team of engineers. We are not unique - we know of many groups like us, and we can imagine there are many more we don't know.
LBRY Tags: akm; magazine; ak47; 762x39
LBRY Tags: akm; magazine; ak47; 762x39