People name their projects after really weird stuff sometimes

M203 Files from the Computer
...files of M203 documents. Found on the computer.
LBRY Tags: m203; grenade launcher; weapon; firearms...

M203 TM
...From 1984. Still younger than Mitch McConnell, though.
LBRY Tags: m203; grenade launcher; firearm; weapon...

Cutaway M203, 80% Scale
...file for attributions, build notes, and other info.
LBRY Tags: model; ornament; grenade launcher; cutaway; cad...

Pr.28-29 Version II V0.001 Alpha
...grenade launching platform. godspeed.
i remind you again "It is incapable of accepting a payload...

FamAR F1 Style Forend
...want it to fit an M15 rifle grenade sight for the M1 Garand?
LBRY Tags: famas; stubbs; famar; blc; ar15...

Festive Snow Clearance Charge
...hands, and 1 carrot in either configurable location.
LBRY Tags: snowman; grenade; christmas; snow; carrot...

FamAR Front Sling Mount DLC
...grenade sights, bipod, rear safety selector or features of the FAMAS that are not needed...