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FamAR F1 Style Forend

Stubbs Customs 1.3MiB Jan. 22, 2023, 6:24 p.m.

Rifle AR-15

This is an F1 style forend for the FamAR15.

This is a retro appropriate front end set for the FamAR that more closely resembles the flat top valorise as depicted in Call of Duty Black Ops. The rear end of the FamAR is still only G2 style as it is necessary to use AR15 mags, and magazine catches.

Brownells 25 round straight prototype mags resemble the Famas 25rd magazine although they are priced for hardcore collectors.

This group of parts was shown to Patrons early, and only they were aware that this would release before now. If you would like early access or voting power on the next project, check it out at

From initial feedback I get from the design pictures, end users may prefer the earlier handguard as it does not have the AUG type entire hand covering trigger guard.

Next up is a handguard that mounts my Pipe Hitter 37mm launcher directly to the Famar. This may also have a new foregrip, and maybe other features to make it look more like it belongs on a FAMAS. Sound off below. Should it come with a square FAMAS shaped handguard for the 37mm barrel to match the FAMAS, finger grooves and all? Would you want it to fit an M15 rifle grenade sight for the M1 Garand?

LBRY Tags: famas; stubbs; famar; blc; ar15