The asterisk (*) doesn't do anything here, use space-separated keywords instead

...Model 190/290, tube fed semi-auto .22 S-L-LR. Also branded as the Sears...

PoS-15 Monolithic Pistol or Rifle Lower
...special. The model is blank so you can add what ever text you want to it....

P94 Recession Ruger Beta
...models, they won't work.
All credit goes to the creators that had a hand...

Sig P320 High Resolution 3d Scan
...Resolution 3d Scan of a full-size Sig P320
LBRY Tags: fosscad; 3d models; guns...

...size slide and a comp.
LBRY Tags: p320; flux raider; invader pdw; p320f; 3d model...

Uzi Receiver Technical Drawings (schematics, blueprint, dimensions)
...model something up using the information.
I found this here:
Uzi, receiver...

...model variants were actually called the Hung 'n Slung, and the Chode; instead
of their...

VZ61 Straightening jig
This model was paramount to making this jig. Thank you Jozef!
LBRY Tags: art...

Trilux SUIT Mounts (Carry Handle & QRP)
...modeled and tested.
Includes the typical carry handle version, as well as one that will...

FGC-68 MKII UNW fixed low rail UPPER set
...models are updated to work as a low rail shroud
like this set they are named...

Glock 19 Chassis
...Chairmanwon's frame as a model to get the dimensions. Let me know what you think....

NAG-mmp Prev
...model is the 'Not a glock' by 'Ju5t3nc4s3'.
Pic of the project are linked.

Stenovation Mag Release
...some evo style releases on the market.
LBRY Tags: 3dprinting; fun; models; db9; mag release...

17 V1
...model aims to fool Cura into just converting the surface of the grip with micro...

308 Bolt Carrier
...AR10 bolt carrier with a "buffer pin track." Hybrid of two models available on grabcad....

KP prints - AK type 1 bayonet
...modeled. maybe it will be useful to someone out there. seems like its pretty accurate...

Cutaway M203, 80% Scale
...file for attributions, build notes, and other info.
LBRY Tags: model; ornament; grenade launcher; cutaway; cad...

TFGG Harlot Dart Conversion - pin a dart on the target
...model for a barrel to shoot printed darts at a target It includes a convenient...

Wozjak's EZ22 カニ Bolt v0.8
...modelled supports.
Special thanks to Plastic Blasters for the base file that this is built...

Cetme L Flat Bending Jig
...modeled this to practice using Fusion360, it is based off of HMG Cetme L bending...